juicy | adj 1. succulent, banyak /airnya, jusnya/, banyak mengandungi /air, jus/; (of joint of meat) banyak airnya: a ~ water-melon, tembikai yg banyak airnya; a ~ steak, stik yg banyak airnya; 2. (colloq) spicy, syok-syok: a ~ story, cerita yg syok-syok; she told me every ~ detail of the scandal, dia menceritakan segala yg syok-syok ttg skandal itu kpd saya; 3. (colloq) desirable because st is profitable, menguntungkan: we got ourselves a fat ~ contract, kami dapat kontrak yg besar dan menguntungkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tasty | 2. (colloq) interesting, syok didengar: a ~ bit of gossip about her, desas-desus ttg perempuan itu yg syok didengar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sweet | be ~ on so., (old-fashioned & colloq ), (be fond of) suka dgn sso; (be infatuated with) syok dgn sso; at o’s own ~ will, sesuka hati sso: he comes and goes at his own ~ will, dia datang dan pergi sesuka hatinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |