place | b. unable to adjust to new situation, canggung: he felt rather out of ~ at such a party, dia berasa agak canggung berada di majlis spt itu; I was out of ~ in their company as we had very little in common, saya berasa canggung berada bersama-sama dgn mereka krn terlalu sedikit titik persamaan antara kami; put so. in his (proper) ~, mengajar sso supaya /sedar, tahu/ diri: that unruly young man has to be put in his ~, pemuda yg biadab itu harus diajar supaya tahu diri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
place | tdk seorang pun yg ingat apa yg sebenarnya berlaku pd mula-mulanya; keep so. in /his, etc/ ~, [various translations]: Professor Higgins believed that Eliza’s way of speaking kept her in her ~, Professor Higgins percaya bahawa cara Eliza bertutur meletakkan dirinya pada tarafnya; children have to be kept in their ~, kanak-kanak harus diajar menghormati orang tua; the workers were kept in their ~ by certain restrictions, pekerja-pekerja dikawal dgn beberapa sekatan; know o’s ~, /sedar, tahu/ akan kedudukan (diri) sso, /sedar, tahu/ diri: he knew his ~ and decided to make no comment, dia sedar akan kedudukannya | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
take | b. become worried, upset,risau, bimbang: don’t ~ on so! She can look after herself, jangan risau! Dia tahu menjaga diri sendiri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stand | c. withdraw from an election, menarik diri: he stood aside when he heard that you would be running for the post, dia menarik diri apabila mendapat tahu bahawa kamu akan bertanding utk jawatan tersebut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
speak | ~ for os, bercakap utk diri sso: ~ing for myself, I should refuse the offer, though I know others will not agree, bercakap utk diri saya, saya sepatutnya menolak tawaran itu, walaupun saya tahu orang-orang lain tdk bersetuju; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shame | n 1. feeling caused by guilt, foolishness, etc, (rasa) malu: she knew she had made a fool of herself and blushed with ~, dia tahu dia telah membodohkan diri dan mukanya merah krn malu; have they no ~, walking about in the nude?, tidakkah mereka mempunyai rasa malu, berjalan-jalan dlm keadaan bogel?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dissociate | ~ os from, memisahkan diri sso drpd; (so’s views) menyatakan bahawa sso tdk bersetuju dgn: when he found out that they were smugglers, he ~d himself from them, apabila dia mendapat tahu bahawa mereka penyeludup, dia memisahkan dirinya drpd mereka; she ~d herself from the views expressed by the first speaker, dia menyatakan bahawa dia tdk bersetuju dgn pendapat yg dikemukakan oleh penceramah pertama. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
up | ~ against, menghadapi: I find myself ~ against a lot of problems, saya mendapati diri saya menghadapi banyak masalah; he knew he was ~ against a strong candidate, dia tahu dia menghadapi calon yg kuat; Johor are ~ against Selangor in the final, Johor akan menghadapi Selangor dlm perlawanan akhir; ~ to, a. be so’s responsibility, choice, /terpulang, terserah, bergantung/ kpd: it’s ~ to me to decide, terpulang kpd saya utk memutuskannya; b. as much as, sehingga: loans ~ to 90% are obtainable, pinjaman sehingga 90% boleh didapati; c. as high as, sehingga: profits were well ~ to 20% last year, keuntungan telah naik sehingga 20 peratus tahun lalu; ~ to 20,000 people attended the match, sehingga 20,000 orang menghadiri perlawanan itu; d. as far as, sampai, hingga: he walked straight ~ to the door, dia berjalan terus sampai ke pintu; the boy can count from 1 ~ to 20, budak itu boleh membilang dr 1 sampai 20; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
within | 3. in the inner being of, dlm /diri, hati/ sso: he gave no sign of the fury that raged ~ him, dia tdk menampakkan keberangan yg meluap-luap dlm dirinya; he knew deep ~ himself that the plan would never succeed, jauh dlm hatinya, dia tahu rancangan itu tdk akan berjaya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
give | ~ up, [various translations]: don’t ~ up so easily, jangan mudah saja mengaku kalah; I ~ up. I don’t know the answer, saya tak mahu fikir lagi. Saya tak tahu akan jawapannya; ~ os up, menyerah diri: after holding out for two days, he finally gave himself up to the police, setelah bertahan selama dua hari, akhirnya dia menyerah diri; ~ so. up, a. abandon o’s claim to o’s child, ward, etc, melepaskan sso: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |