causeway | n tambak: the Johore C~, Tambak Johor. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pit 1 | ke ruang perhentian; 8. area of sand etc in long jump events, tambak (lompat tinggi): he cleared the jump and landed in the ~, lompatannya melepasi palang itu dan dia jatuh di atas tambak; 9. (often in pl), (theatr) a. area on ground floor of auditorium, ruang tingkat bawah auditorium; the only seats available for the performance were in the ~, tempat duduk yg tinggal utk persembahan itu hanya terdapat di tingkat bawah auditorium; b. (people occupying the area) penonton tingkat bawah auditorium: there were jeers from the ~s, terdengar sorakan drpd penonton-penonton tingkat bawah auditorium itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
embankment | n benteng, tambak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
link | vt 1. connect, menghubungkan: the Causeway ~s Malaysia with Singapore, Tambak Johor menghubungkan Malaysia dgn Singapura; the new bi-weekly flight will ~ Kuala Lumpur with Taipeh, penerbangan baru dua kali seminggu itu akan menghubungkan Kuala Lumpur dgn Taipeh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dam1 | n 1. barrier constructed to impound water, empang(an), pengempang, tambak, tebat, bendung(an); (as proper n) Empangan: the Aswan D~, Empangan Aswan; 2. (constructed by beaver) empang; 3. water so impounded, empangan: swimming in the ~ is prohibited, dilarang berenang di empangan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bank2 | n 1. edge, tebing: the ~ of a river, tebing sungai; 2. raised shelf, tambak; (as in rice-fields) permatang; 3. sandbank, shoal, beting; 4. mass, a. (of snow, earth, etc) timbunan; b. (of clouds) gumpalan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fill | n 1. full supply, sepenuh + approp n ref to container: a ~ of tobacco, tembakau sepenuh paip; another ~ of petrol, petrol sepenuh tangki lagi; 2. earth etc used to fill cavity, bahan /tambak, timbus/; /eat, drink, etc/ o’s ~, /makan, minum, dll/ /sepuas-puasnya, sampai puas, semahu-mahunya, sekenyang-kenyangnya, sampai kenyang/; have o’s ~ of /so., st/, /muak, puas/ dgn /sso, sst/, /muak, puas/ + approp v, puas + approp adj: I’ve had my ~ of this bad weather, saya puas dgn cuaca buruk ini; I’ve had my ~ of disappointments, saya puas kecewa or saya puas mengalami kekecewaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tide | n1. a. rise and fall of sea, pasang surut: the sun and moon both affect the ~s, bulan dan juga matahari mempengaruhi pasang surut; b. water moved by this, air pasang: the causeway is covered by the ~ twice a day, tambak itu diliputi air pasang dua kali sehari; wreckage from the ship was washed up by the ~, kayu-kayu dr bangkai kapal di bawa ke darat oleh air pasang; c. current, arus air pasang: the ~s on this coast are very strong, air pasang di pantai sebelah sini sangat kuat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |