property | n 1. belongings, possessions, harta: he bequeathed all his ~ to his daughter, dia mewariskan semua hartanya pd anak perempuannya; stolen ~, barang curi; 2. real estate, harta tanah: it is wise to invest in ~, adalah bijak melabur dlm harta tanah; 3. (fml) characteristic quality, sifat; (of a healing nature) khasiat: a magnet has the ~ of attracting iron, magnet bersifat boleh menarik besi; many herbs have medicinal properties, banyak herba mengandungi khasiat sbg ubat; 4. land, tanah: the highway will pass through my ~, lebuh raya itu akan melalui tanah saya; 5. (fml) ownership, pemilikan: ~ has its obligations, pemilikan dikaitkan dgn tanggungjawab yg tertentu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
expropriate | vt 1. (fml) seize, mengekspropriasi: the government ~d the land for the new highway, kerajaan mengekspropriasi tanah itu utk membina lebuh raya baru; 2. take illegally from owners, mencuri: he ~d the company’s money, dia mencuri wang syarikat itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
enhance | vt menambah; (status, reputation, position) mempertingkatkan; (appearance) membuat [sso] kelihatan lebih menarik: the new highway will ~ the value of the land, lebuh raya baru itu akan menambah nilai tanah tersebut; a good pass in this exam would ~ his chances of getting the scholarship, kelulusan baik dlm peperiksaan ini akan menambah peluangnya utk mendapat biasiswa itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
adjacent | adj 1. lying or situated closely, bersebelahan: ~ blocks of flats,~ streets, jalan-jalan raya yg bersebelahan: notes on the ~ page, catatan pd muka surat yg bersebelahan; ~ angles, sudut bersebelahan; 2. bordering, bersempadanan: ~ towns, bandar-bandar yg bersempadanan; ~ land, tanah yg bersempadanan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appropriation | n 1. act of, a. (taking esp without permission) pengambilan, mengambil: the ~ of monastic lands continued, pengambilan tanah biara berterusan; b. (putting aside, assigning) penguntukan: the committee agreed on the ~ of $50,000 for the project, jawatankuasa itu bersetuju dgn penguntukan sebanyak $50,000 bagi projek itu; 2. money set aside, peruntukan: to make an ~ for a new highway, membuat peruntukan bagi sebuah lebuh raya yg baru. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fix | 9. (colloq) illicitly influence, a. (the result of) mengatur: he claimed that the election results have been ~ed, dia mendakwa bahawa keputusan pilihan raya itu telah diatur; b. (the actions of) menyuap, menyogok: I think someone has ~ed the referee, saya rasa ada orang yg telah menyuap pengadil; 10. (colloq) get even with, mengenakan: they really ~ed Mr Chan when they burnt his distillery, mereka betul-betul mengenakan Encik Chan apabila mereka membakar kilang araknya; 11. treat (photographic film etc) with chemicals, mematikan warna; 12. convert into nitrogen compound, mengikat: most leguminous plants can ~ nitrogen in the soil, kebanyakan tumbuhan legum dapat mengikat nitrogen dlm tanah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
approximate | adj fairly exact, a. (attrib) lebih kurang, kira-kira; (in quantity, amount, value, etc) anggaran: the ~ distance between the two cities is 1,000 kilometres, jarak di antara kedua-dua bandar raya itu lebih kurang 1,000 kilometer; this gives an ~ idea of what is involved in producing a dictionary, ini akan lebih kurang memberikan gambaran ttg kerja-kerja yg terlibat dlm penghasilan sebuah kamus; the ~ value of the land, nilai anggaran tanah itu; can you tell me the ~ number of students in the school?, dapatkah saudara memberitahu saya anggaran jumlah murid di sekolah ini?; b. (pred) anggaran: the figures given are only ~, angka yg diberikan hanya anggaran; ~ to, lebih kurang: a sum of money ~ to what is needed, jumlah wang yg lebih kurang sebanyak yg diperlukan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
block | vt 1. shape on a block, membentuk [n] di atas kelebut: to ~ a hat, membentuk topi di atas kelebut 2. obstruct, (act.) menyekat, menghalangi, merintangi; (pass.) tersekat, terhalang, terintang: they tried to ~ his promotion, mereka mencuba menyekat kenaikan pangkatnya; to ~ a bill, menyekat rang undang-undang; to ~ an opponent, menyekat lawan; the road was ~ed by a landslide, jalan raya itu tersekat oleh tanah runtuh; 3. restrict use, conversion of (currency etc) mengehadkan /penggunaan, pertukaran/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disposal | n 1. act of getting rid of; a. (gen) penghapusan; b. (by selling) penjualan; c. (by giving away) pemberian kpd sso; d. (by throwing away) pembuangan: garbage ~ is a problem in the city, pembuangan sampah merupakan masalah di bandar raya itu; e. (leg.) pelupusan: the ~ of land, pelupusan tanah; 2. (fml) arrangement, placement, pengaturan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |