tillage | n bercucuk tanam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
vaccination | n pemvaksinan; (colloq) tanam cacar: there is no ~ against the disease, tdk ada pemvaksinan melawan penyakit itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
plough | n 1. farming tool with sharp blades,bajak, tenggala, luku; 2. land that has been ploughed,tanah berbajak; under the ~, utk bercucuk tanam: he has a large acreage under the ~,dia mempunyai berekar-ekar tanah utk bercucuk tanam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
till2 | vt; ~ the soil, bercucuk tanam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
condition | vt 1. determine, menentukan: environment ~s plant growth, persekitaran menentukan pertumbuhan tanam-tanaman; 2. (tech or derog) train, accustom (so., st) to behave in particular way, (act.) melazimkan; (pass.) terlazim, dilazimkan: father had ~ed us to believe that men are superior to women, bapa telah melazimkan kami supaya mempercayai bahawa kaum lelaki lebih tinggi darjatnya drpd kaum wanita; we are ~ed by the world we live in, kami terlazim oleh dunia yg kami diami; 3. put into a healthy, good state, [various translations]: all his dogs look well ~ed, kesemua anjingnya kelihatan sihat dan rapi; a new brand of shampoo that ~s and revitalizes the hair, jenama syampu yg baru yang merapikan dan menyegarkan semula rambut; to ~ leather, menyamak kulit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dwarf | vt 1. stunt, membantutkan pertumbuhan: lack of moisture had ~ed the plants, kekurangan lembapan telah membantutkan pertumbuhan tanam-tanaman itu; 2. cause to appear small(er), (act.) menyebabkan [sso, sst] kelihatan kecil; (pass.) kelihatan kecil: the house was ~ed by the surrounding apartment blocks, rumah itu kelihatan kecil disebabkan blok-blok pangsapuri yg di sekelilingnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
destroy | vt 1. tear down, ruin completely, memusnahkan, membinasakan: the enemy had completely ~ed the town, pihak musuh telah memusnahkan bandar itu; crops ~ed by elephants, tanam-tanaman yg dimusnahkan oleh gajah; to ~ a piece of evidence, memusnahkan keterangan; 2. put an end to, shatter, a. (gen), (act.) memusnahkan; (pass.) musnah: drugs ~ed her life, dadah memusnahkan hidupnya; the syndicate tried to ~ him but he managed to outwit them, sindiket itu mencuba memusnahkannya, tetapi dia dapat memperdayakan mereka; b. (hope), (act.) memusnahkan, menghancurkan; (pass.) musnah, hancur; c. (marriage, friendship), (act.) menghancurkan; (pass.) hancur; 3. kill (esp sick animal) membunuh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
limp 2 | adj 1. lacking firmness, droopy, a. (of plant etc) layu, terkulai: during the dry spell, the plants looked quite ~, pd musim kering tanam-tanaman kelihatan layu; b. (of hair) tdk bermaya: long ~ hair, rambut panjang yg tdk bermaya; c. (of flag etc) terkelepai, terkulai, terkelepek; 2. without energy, a. (of person or animal) lembik, longlai, terkelepek: he was ~ with exhaustion, dia lembik krn kepenatan; b. (of part of body) terkulai, terkelepai, terkelepek: her eyes were glazed and her hand was ~, matanya bular dan tangannya terkulai; c. (of handshake) lemah, tdk bermaya; 3. (of textile) soft, lembik: ~ fabrics, fabrik yg lembik; 4. (of the binding of a book) kulit lembut: a ~ edition, edisi kulit lembut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
limp 2 | adj 1. lacking firmness, droopy, a. (of plant etc) layu, terkulai: during the dry spell, the plants looked quite ~, pd musim kering tanam-tanaman kelihatan layu; b. (of hair) tdk bermaya: long ~ hair, rambut panjang yg tdk bermaya; c. (of flag etc) terkelepai, terkulai, terkelepek; 2. without energy, a. (of person or animal) lembik, longlai, terkelepek: he was ~ with exhaustion, dia lembik krn kepenatan; b. (of part of body) terkulai, terkelepai, terkelepek: her eyes were glazed and her hand was ~, matanya bular dan tangannya terkulai; c. (of handshake) lemah, tdk bermaya; 3. (of textile) soft, lembik: ~ fabrics, fabrik yg lembik; 4. (of the binding of a book) kulit lembut: a ~ edition, edisi kulit lembut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sustenance | n 1. that which sustains life, nourishment, makanan: the villagers depend for their ~ on what they can grow or kill themselves, penduduk kampung itu bergantung hidup dgn apa yg mereka tanam dan buru utk makanan mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |