Immoral | adj 1. not moral, tdk bermoral; (of person) tdk /bermoral, berakhlak/: an ~ act, perbuatan yg tdk bermoral; he is a thoroughly ~ man, dia lelaki yg betul-betul tdk bermoral; 2. sexually improper, lucah; (of earnings) haram: the screening of ~ films, tayangan filem lucah; he made an ~ suggestion to the girl, dia membuat cadangan lucah pd gadis itu; they were accused of using the house for ~ purposes, mereka dituduh menggunakan rumah itu utk kegiatan lucah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cancellation | n 1. deletion, pemotongan, pencoretan; 2. defacement etc to prevent use, pembatalan; 3. calling off, pembatalan; 4. nullifying, pembatalan: ~ order, arahan pembatalan; 5. wiping out, peluputan; 6. (math) pembatalan, pemotongan; 7. marks or perforations made by cancelling, coretan; 8. st cancelled, pembatalan: two ~s for the premier show, dua pembatalan utk tayangan perdana. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
adapt | vt 1. adjust, menyesuaikan: she could not ~ herself to life in the city, dia tdk dapat menyesuaikan dirinya dgn kehidupan di kota; the symphony has been ~ed for the piano, simfoni itu telah disesuaikan utk piano; 2. make suitable (play, novel, etc) memadankan, mengadaptasikan, menyesuaikan; (to a new setting) menyadur: novels ~ed for television, novel-novel yg dipadankan utk tayangan di televisyen; a story written in Malay and ~ed from Aesop’s Fables, cerita yg ditulis dlm bahasa Melayu dan disadur drpd Dongeng Aesop; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |