erstwhile | adj (fml & old-fashioned) dahulu:my ~ companions, teman-teman saya dahulu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
set | ~ to, (mula) bekerja keras: our friends and neighbours all ~ to and the house was repaired in one day, teman-teman dan tetangga kami semua bekerja keras dan rumah kami dibaiki dlm satu hari; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
boozy | adj (colloq) 1. (of person) a. inclined to heavy drinking, kuat tunggang: ~ companions, teman-teman yg kuat tunggang; b. intoxicated, agak mabuk; 2. involving heavy drinking, mabuk-mabuk: a ~ party, majlis mabuk-mabuk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
strangely | adv oddly, tdk spt biasa; (when so. or st looks familiar) rasa-rasa: when I walked in, my colleagues were ~ quiet, apabila saya berjalan masuk, teman-teman sekerja saya senyap tdk spt biasa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
square | ~ up to so., a. prepare to fight so., bersedia berlawan sso: the two boys, surrounded by their schoolmates, ~d up to one another, dua budak itu, dikelilingi oleh teman-teman sekolah, bersedia utk berlawan antara satu sama lain; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sever | the two countries have ~ed diplomatic relations, kedua-dua buah negara itu telah memutuskan hubungan diplomatik; he became a recluse and ~d all connections with his old associates, dia hidup menyendiri dan memutuskan semua hubungan dgn teman-teman lama; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spring | vt 1. make known without warning, tiba-tiba mengadakan; (news, proposal, etc) secara tiba-tiba + approp v: they sprang a surprise engagement party on their friends, mereka tiba-tiba mengadakan majlis pertunangan yg mengejutkan teman-teman mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
companion 1 | n 1. one who associates or is always with another, teman: travelling ~s, teman seperjalanan; a close ~, teman rapat; ~s in misfortune, teman senasib; ~s in arms, teman seperjuangan; 2. one employed to keep another (usu elderly) company, teman; 3. st that is one of a pair, gu: the ~ to this volume is missing, gu jilid ini telah hilang; 4. handbook, buku /panduan, pedoman/: the Motorists’ C~, Buku Panduan Pemandu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
earn | ~ a living, ~ o’s /living, livelihood, daily bread/, mencari nafkah; ~ o’s keep, membiayai sara hidup sso; ~ so. st, menyebabkan sso + approp v: Maznah’s arrogance ~ed her the hatred of her colleagues, keangkuhan Maznah menyebabkan dia dibenci oleh teman-teman sepejabatnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
boy | ~s will be ~s, kalau lelaki, lelaki juga; a mother’s ~ (colloq) anak jantan emak; the ~s, a. (colloq) group of men, orang lelaki; b. (colloq) a man’s male friends, /kawan-kawan, teman-teman (lelaki)/ sso: he has gone out with the ~s, dia keluar dgn kawan-kawannya; c. also our ~s, (affectionately) soldiers, askar-askar kita: Hari Raya cakes for our ~s at the front, kuih-kuih Hari Raya utk askar-askar kita di sempadan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |