calm | adj 1. still, not windy or stormy, tenang: ~ weather, keadaan cuaca yg tenang; the ~ sea, laut yg tenang; 2. quiet, peaceful, tenang, tenteram: a ~ atmosphere, suasana yg tenang; the town is ~ again after the rioting, bandar itu tenang kembali selepas rusuhan; 3. composed, unagitated, tenang: he was ~ during the entire proceedings, dia tenang sahaja sepanjang perbicaraan itu; to speak in a ~ voice, bercakap dgn suara yg tenang; keep ~, bertenang; remain ~, (terus) bertenang, tenang sahaja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tranquil | adj tenang, tenteram: the ~ waters of the lake, air tasik yg tenang; with a ~ smile on her face, she fell asleep, dgn senyum tenang pd wajahnya, dia tertidur; the ~ days of autumn, hari-hari tenang musim luruh; she remained ~ in the midst of uproar, dia tetap tenang di tengah-tengah keadaan hiruk-pikuk itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
peace | b.(euphem) tenang bersemadi: he’s now at ~ after those months of suffering, dia kini tenang bersemadi selepas berbulan-bulan menderita; at ~ with os, berasa /tenang, tenteram/: since that incident he has never been at ~ with himself, sejak kejadian itu dia tdk pernah berasa tenang; at ~ with the world, (berasa) tenang dgn kehidupannya: she felt at ~ with the world, dia berasa tenang dgn kehidupannya; give so. no ~, mengganggu sso: the children gave him no ~ until he agreed to take them to the circus, budak-budak itu terus | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
still 1 | 4. calm and not flowing, tenang: the ~ waters of the lake, air yg tenang di tasik itu; 5. calm, tenang: a ~ mind, fikiran yg tenang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
even | 8. (of voice) steady and calm, tenang: when she spoke her voice was ~, apabila dia bercakap, suaranya tenang; 9. (of temperament etc) tenang: she has an ~ temper, dia tenang orangnya; 10. (of number) genap; 11. fifty-fifty, lima puluh-lima puluh: she stands an ~ chance of winning the title, peluangnya utk memenangi gelaran itu ialah lima puluh-lima puluh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
placid | adj tenang; ( of animal ) kelesa, lembam: a woman with a ~ nature, seorang wanita yg tenang sifatnya; the ~ waters of the lake, air yg tenang di tasik; the cow is a ~ animal,lembu, binatang yg kelesa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
restful | adj 1. peaceful, tenang: a quiet ~ place, tempat yg sunyi dan tenang; a ~ holiday at home, percutian tenang di rumah; 2. producing a feeling of peace and tranquillity, menenangkan: colours that are ~ to the eye, warna-warna yg menenangkan mata; after a few days in the city, they sought more ~ surroundings, selepas beberapa hari di bandar raya, mereka mencari persekitaran yg lebih menenangkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
serene | adj 1. tranquil, composed, tenang: floating on the ~ waters of the lake, terapung di atas air tasik yg tenang; a ~ moonlit night, malam terang bulan yg tenang; the Queen watched the procession with a ~ expression on her face, Raja Permaisuri menyaksikan perarakan itu dgn wajah yg tenang; 2. (in titles) see HIGHNESS. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
levelly | adv (dgn) tenang: he looked ~ at the student for a while, dia memandang tenang pd pelajar itu buat seketika; despite her obvious nervousness, she answered the questions ~, meskipun ketara dia gementar, dia menjawab soalan-soalan itu dgn tenang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
levelly | adv (dgn) tenang: he looked ~ at the student for a while, dia memandang tenang pd pelajar itu buat seketika; despite her obvious nervousness, she answered the questions ~, meskipun ketara dia gementar, dia menjawab soalan-soalan itu dgn tenang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |