slain | adj killed, dibunuh, terbunuh; (in battle) terkorban: the ~ man had yet to be identified, orang yg terbunuh itu belum dapat dikenal pasti; the thousands of troops ~ in battle,s beribu-ribu askar yg terkorban di medan perang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cut | ~ so. down, (usu pass.) sso terbunuh: he was ~ down in his prime, dia terbunuh semasa masih berada di kemuncak hidupnya; ~ st down, a. see vt (sense 3.); b. reduce st, mengurangkan sst: you must try to ~ your expenses down, kamu mesti mencuba mengurangkan perbelanjaan; c. shorten st, memendekkan sst: she ~ down the skirt for her sister, dia memendekkan skirt itu utk adiknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
casualty | n 1. person(s) injured or killed, (orang) yg terbunuh atau (ter)cedera; (attrib) kecederaan: there were 15 casualties in the train accident, 15 orang terbunuh atau cedera dlm kemalangan kereta api itu; ~ ward, wad kecederaan; 2. (in war) korban perang; ~ list, daftar korban perang; 3. loss in numerical strength, kerugian: both sides sustained heavy casualties, kedua-dua belah pihak menanggung kerugian besar; 4. accident, disaster, nahas: the typhoon was responsible for many casualties at sea, taufan itu menyebabkan beberapa banyak nahas di laut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
avalanche | n 1. runtuhan + approp n: many people were killed in the ~, banyak orang yg terbunuh dlm runtuhan salji itu; 2. (fig.) datang mencurah-curah; (of words, questions, etc) hamburan: an ~ of fan mail, surat peminat yg datang mencurah-curah; an ~ of questions, hamburan pertanyaan; /inundated with, overwhelmed by, etc/ an ~ of, dihujani, dibanjiri: he was inundated with an ~ of congratulatory messages, dia dihujani surat ucap tahniah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flight2 | n pelarian, lari: during their ~ many Vietnamese were killed, semasa pelarian, ramai orang Vietnam terbunuh; his ~ saved him from capture, krn dia lari, dia tdk ditangkap; the ~ of capital, pelarian modal; put so. to ~, menyebabkan sso lari: the fierce dogs will soon put any burglar to ~, anjing-anjing yg garang itu akan menyebabkan mana-mana pencuri pun lari; take (to) ~, lari: the robbers took to ~ when they saw the lights go on, perompak-perompak itu lari apabila melihat lampu dipasang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
explosion | n 1. act, instance of exploding, letupan; (caused by bomb etc) ledakan, letupan: the ~ killed many people, banyak orang terbunuh dlm letupan itu; 2. rapid, sudden increase, ledakan: the ~ in population after the war, ledakan penduduk selepas perang; 3. sudden, violent outburst of, ledakan: ~s of loud laughter, ledakan ketawa yg kuat; an ~ of rage, ledakan kemarahan; 4. eruption (of violence, protest, riot, etc) ledakan, meledak: the government was unprepared for the ~ of the student riots, kerajaan tdk bersedia utk menghadapi rusuhan pelajar yg meledak itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
kill | vt 1. deprive of life, a. (of person, animal) membunuh; (by catastrophe, accident, etc) mengorbankan, membunuh, menyebabkan /terkorban, terbunuh/: to ~ so. in cold blood, membunuh sso dgn kejam; an explo | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gore 1 | n (liter. or rhet) blood from fighting etc, [various translations]: slain men covered with ~, orang-orang yg terbunuh yg berlumuran darah; films full of ~ and violence, filem-filem yg penuh dgn adegan berdarah dan keganasan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
be | b. (involuntary) ter- [v root]: he was shot dead while hunting, dia tertembak mati sewaktu berburu; five people were killed in the accident, lima orang terbunuh dlm kemalangan itu; 3. (with pp, indic state), [various translations]: the clinic was closed when I got there, klinik itu sudah tutup sewaktu saya sampai; my sister is not married, adik perempuan saya belum berkahwin; I am convinced that..., saya yakin bahawa...; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fell3 | adj; /at, in/ one ~ swoop, sekaligus: his wife, his brothers and his children were all killed in one ~ swoop, isterinya, adik-adiknya dan anak-anaknya terbunuh sekaligus. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |