spike 1 | 2. st resembling this in form, [sst yg] tercacak: he had gelled his hair into ~s, dia telah membubuh jel pd rambutnya sehingga tercacak-cacak; 3. heavy nail, pepaku; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spiky | adj 1. having sharp points, runcing; (of hair, crest, etc) tercacak-cacak: long ~ thorns, duri-duri yg panjang dan runcing; she despaired of her coarse, ~ hair, dia susah hati krn rambutnya kasar dan tercacak-cacak; the lizard had a ~ crest, cicak itu mempunyai balung yg tercacak-cacak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stick 2 | b. (of large pointed object like spear, arrow, etc) tercacak: the man was found with a knife ~ing in his chest, lelaki itu dijumpai dgn sebilah pisau tercacak di dadanya; c. (of chicken bone etc) terlekat: a fish-bone has stuck in his throat, tulang ikan terlekat pd kerongkongnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
point | vi 1. show position or direction, menunjuk: the street sign ~ed down towards the railway station, papan tanda jalan menunjuk ke arah stesen kereta api; it is rude to ~ a finger at someone, adalah kurang sopan menunjuk jari pd seseorang; the clock hands ~ed to seven, jarum jam menunjuk arah angka tujuh; 2. be turned in a particular direction, tercacak: the spines of a porcupine ~ backwards, duri landak tercacak ke belakang; 3. indicate, menunjukkan: the evidence ~s to his involvement in the murder, keterangan itu menunjukkan penglibatannya dlm pembunuhan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
erect | adj 1. upright, tegak: he stood ~ to receive the salute, dia berdiri tegak utk menerima tabik hormat; hold os ~, sso /berdiri, duduk /tegak; hold st ~, menegakkan sst: she held her head ~ while every head around her was bowed, dia menegakkan kepalanya sementara yg lain di sekelilingnya menundukkan kepala; 2. (of animal’s tail or ears) tegak, tercacak; 3. (of penis or nipple) tegak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |