immediate constituent | n unsur terdekat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
immediate | there seems to be no ~ connection between the two events, nampaknya tdk ada kaitan langsung antara kedua-dua peristiwa itu; 3. nearest (in time, space, relationship), [no specif translation]; (of family) terdekat: in the ~ future, tdk lama lagi; my ~ neighbour, jiran saya yg terdekat; there is no school in the ~ neighbourhood, tiada sekolah yg berhampiran; my ~ family consists of my mother and sister, keluarga terdekat saya terdiri drpd ibu dan kakak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
short | 5. not far, dekat: this is the ~est way to school, inilah jalan yg terdekat ke sekolah; a ~ /way, distance/ from, tdk jauh dr: the office is only a ~ distance from here, pejabat itu tdk jauh dr sini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mournful | orang yg menghadiri pengebumian itu berdiri di keliling pusara sambil bertafakur; the chief ~s followed the coffin into the cemetery, keluarga terdekat yg menghadiri pengebumian itu mengiringi jenazah hingga ke tanah perkuburan; 2. person | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
put | ~ about, (of ship etc) bertukar haluan: the vessel ~ about and made for the nearest port, kapal itu bertukar haluan lalu menghala ke pelabuhan yg terdekat; ~ st about, a. (a vessel) menukar haluan sst: the captain decided to ~ the ship about, kapten memutuskan utk menukar haluan kapal itu; b. (rumours) menyebarkan sst: he has ~ about this rumour, knowing it to be untrue, dia telah menyebarkan khabar angin itu walaupun diketahuinya palsu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
town | n 1. densely populated area larger than a village and smaller than a city, bandar, pekan: they live not far from the nearest ~, mereka tinggal tdk jauh dr bandar yg terdekat; he left the farm and got a job in ~, dia berhenti kerja di ladang itu dan mendapat kerja di bandar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forge2 | ~ ahead, a. memecut ke /depan, hadapan/; b. (fig.), /mara, maju/ ke hadapan: Leeds United suddenly ~d ahead leaving their nearest rivals a long way behind, pasukan Leeds United tiba-tiba maju ke hadapan meninggalkan saingannya yg terdekat jauh di belakang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
near | she was ~ to tears, dia sudah hampir hendak menangis; the national economy is ~ to collapse, ekonomi negara sudah hampir runtuh; a ~ accident, hampir berlaku kemalangan; a ~ disaster, malapetaka yg hampir-hampir terjadi; 2. closer to the speaker, (di) sebelah sini, terdekat: only one parachutist succeeded in landing on the ~ bank of the river, hanya seorang ahli payung terjun yg berjaya mendarat di tebing sungai sebelah sini; 3. (UK) (of horses, vehicles, etc) on the left, sebelah kiri: the ~ front wheel, roda depan sebelah kiri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
strict | 3. complete, absolute, benar-benar, betul-betul: this matter must remain a ~ secret, perkara ini mestilah betul-betul terus menjadi rahsia; the old man lives in ~ seclusion, seeing no one but his immediate family, orang tua itu benar-benar hidup bersendirian dgn tdk berjumpa dgn sesiapa pun tetapi hanya keluarga terdekat saja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
near | in the ~ future, dlm jangka masa yg singkat; not anywhere ~, see NOWHERE (nowhere near); o’s ~est and dearest, orang yg sso sayang: we are prepared to sacrifice everything for our ~est and dearest, kita rela mengorbankan segala-galanya utk orang yg kita sayang; to the ~est /kilogram, thousand, etc/, dlm /kilogram, (angka) ribu, dll/ /yg paling hampir, terdekat/: can you give me the figures to the ~est million?, boleh anda beri saya angka-angka itu dlm angka juta yg paling hampir?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |