towards, toward | 3. with regard to, terhadap: the Prime Minister’s attitude ~ these dissident groups has hardened, sikap Perdana Menteri terhadap kumpulan penentang itu semakin keras; he feels kindly ~ them, dia berasa kasihan terhadap mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
on | 28. (to say who is affected by an action or for whom it is intended) terhadap: I’m well aware that the pressure ~ him to do well is enormous, saya memang sedar bahawa tekanan terhadapnya utk mencapai kejayaan sangatlah berat; it is difficult to believe that it had no effect ~ your company sales, sukar dipercayai bahawa perkara itu tdk mendatangkan sebarang kesan terhadap jualan syarikat saudara; such attacks ~ the government are uncalled for, serangan spt itu terhadap kerajaan sungguh-sungguh tdk patut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
moneys | n wang: the council must account for all ~ received, pihak majlis tersebut memberikan keterangan terhadap semua wang yang diterima. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
enmity | n (hostility) permusuhan; (hatred) kebencian, rasa benci: there is ~ between the two tribes, terdapat permusuhan antara dua puak itu; she felt no ~ towards her rival, dia tdk menyimpan rasa benci terhadap pesaingnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
in | 22. with regard to, [various translations]: it is all right ~ theory, but it won’t work ~ practice, dr segi teori perkara itu munasabah, tetapi dr segi praktik tidak; the houses are ~ old-fashioned design, reka bentuk rumah itu lama; the table is five feet ~ length, panjang meja itu lima kaki; lacking ~ initiative, kurang daya inisiatif; Brunei Darussalam, a sultanate rich ~ oil, Brunei Darussalam, sebuah negara bersultan yg kaya dgn minyak; 23. a. (indic the nature of feeling directed towards so.) pada: I have faith ~ him, saya yakin padanya; b. (indic nature of feeling directed towards st) terhadap: he shows no interest ~ what goes on around him, dia tdk menunjukkan sebarang minat terhadap apa-apa yg berlaku di kelilingnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
on | 25. (colloq), (to say that so. is paying for st) akan membayar: the drinks are ~ me, saya akan membayar minuman saudara-saudara; 26. compared with, berbanding dgn: tonight’s performance is an improvement ~ last night’s, persembahan malam ini lebih baik berbanding dgn persembahan malam semalam; sales are up ~ last month’s figures, jualan meningkat berbanding dgn jualan bulan lalu; 27. (indic imposition) terhadap, atas: a ten per cent tax ~ imported cameras, cukai sebanyak sepuluh peratus atas kamera yg diimport; to charge interest ~ the loan, mengenakan faedah atas pinjaman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |