bound | adj 1. tied, a. terikat: a ~ prisoner, seorang banduan yg terikat; ~ in chains, terbelenggu; b. (fig.) terikat: she is ~ to her family, dia terikat kpd keluarganya; 2. (of book) berjilid; 3. under legal or moral obligation, terikat: he is ~ under the terms of the contract to finish the work by January, dia terikat dgn syarat-syarat kontrak utk menyiapkan kerja itu menjelang bulan Januari; 4. (ling) terikat: a morpheme can be ~ or free, sesuatu morfem boleh terikat atau pun bebas; ~ form, bentuk terikat; 5. certain, pasti, tentu: you are ~ to get into trouble, kamu pasti mengalami kesusahan nanti. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
committed | adj 1. bound by obligation or promise, terikat: the government is ~ to a pay rise, kerajaan terikat utk menaikkan gaji; I am ~ to give a speech tonight, saya telah terikat dgn janji utk berucap pd malam ini; 2. having given o’s devotion, (telah) mengabdikan diri sso (kpd sst), komited: a ~ Muslim, orang Islam yg telah mengabdikan dirinya kpd agamanya; he is deeply ~ to his work, dia sangat komited kpd kerjanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
desk-bound | adj 1. nvolved in sedentary work, terikat dgn kerja pejabat: ~ editors, editor yg terikat dgn kerja pejabat; 2. involving sedentary work, dlm pejabat: a ~ job, pekerjaan dlm pejabat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bond | vt 1. place under bond, meletakkan [sst] dlm ikatan: the customs have ~ed these goods, kastam telah meletakkan barang-barang ini dlm ikatan; 2. put so. in bond, mengikat, terikat: the government ~ed him for 5 years after graduation, dia terikat dgn kerajaan selama 5 tahun selepas mendapat ijazah; 3. (brick-laying) lay bricks in an overlapping pattern, mengikat bata; 4. (chem) mengikat; 5. join securely with glue, cement, etc, melekatkan, merekatkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tie | ~ st up, a. see vt (sense1.); b. moor boat, ship, etc, /menambat, mengikat/ sst: the ship was ~d up at the wharf, kapal itu ditambat di dermaga; c. restrict the free use of, [always pass. in Malay] terikat: I don’t want to ~ up my money for longer than one year, saya tdk mahu wang saya terikat lebih drpd setahun; all her money is ~d up in property and shares, semua wangnya terikat dlm harta tanah dan syer; d. obstruct, [always pass. in Malay] terhalang: the accident ~d up the traffic for miles, lalu lintas terhalang berbatu-batu panjangnya akibat kemalangan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
oath | n 1. solemn promise, sumpah; on o’s ~, (not legal) sumpah: I didn’t breathe a word to him about your plans, on my ~, sumpah, saya tdk memberitahu dia ttg rancangan kamu; be /on, under/ ~, terikat dgn sumpah: Counsel reminded the witness that she was under ~, Peguam Bela mengingatkan saksi tersebut bahawa dia terikat dgn sumpah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bonded | adj 1. (of goods) dlm bon; 2. (of debt) terikat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
specialism | n 1. confinement of interest to a particular field of study, activity, etc, bidang: Ivan became too committed to his ~, Ivan menjadi terlalu terikat pd bidangnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |