waken | vi terjaga: the child ~ed to find his mother gone, apabila budak itu terjaga dia mendapati ibunya sudah pergi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
awake | ~ to, a. emerge from sleep (hearing or seeing st) terjaga: I awoke to the chirping of birds, saya terjaga lalu terdengar akan kicauan burung; b. become conscious of, (mula) menyedari: it is time he awoke to the realities of life, sudah tiba masanya dia menyedari kenyataan hidup; ~ so. to, menyedarkan sso ttg: we managed to ~ him to the fact that it was a futile cause, kami dapat menyedarkannya ttg kenyataan bahawa perjuangan itu sia-sia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wake 1 | vi 1. stop sleeping, terjaga, terbangun; (habitually,) jaga, bangun, bangkit: he woke with a start when the alarm went off, dia terjaga krn terkejut apabila penggera jam itu berbunyi; I usually ~ at six in the morning, saya selalunya bangun pd pukul enam pagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
squall 2 | and started to ~, bayi itu terjaga dan mula menjerit-jerit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
awake | vi 1. emerge from sleep, terjaga; 2. become active, berbangkit: the hope that her son was still alive awoke in her once again, harapan bahawa anaknya masih hidup berbangkit semula di dlm hatinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wake 1 | ~ up, be roused from sleep, /terjaga, terbangun/ (dr tidur); (habitually, imper & interrog) jaga, bangun: she woke up when she heard the noise, dia terbangun apabila mendengar bunyi itu; he always ~s up early in the morning, dia selalu jaga pd awal pagi; what time did you ~ up?, pukul berapa kamu bangun?; ~ up! We’ll be late for school, bangun! Nanti kita terlambat ke sekolah; ~ so. up, a. rouse so. from sleep, /membangunkan, mengejutkan/ sso: it’s difficult to ~ him up in the morning, memang sukar hendak membangunkannya pd waktu pagi; b. cause so. to become active, mencergaskan sso: the exercises have woken me up, senaman-senaman itu mencergaskan saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
whimpering | n rengekan: the ~ of the baby woke the mother up, rengekan bayi itu menyebabkan ibunya terjaga. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wailing | n loud weeping, raungan: everyone was awakened by the ~ of the sick baby, setiap orang terjaga mendengar raungan bayi yg sakit itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sound 2 | 5. deep, undisturbed, lena, nyenyak: the alarm clock woke him from a ~ sleep, dia terjaga drpd tidurnya yg nyenyak oleh bunyi jam penggera; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dream | n 1. sequence of images experienced during sleep, mimpi: to wake up from a bad ~, terjaga dr mimpi yg menakutkan; sweet ~s!, mimpi manis!; 2. daydream, khayalan, lamunan; ~ world, alam /khayalan, impian/; 3. state of mind in which one is abstracted, khayalan: he has been going about in a ~ since he fell in love, dia hidup dlm khayalan sejak dia jatuh cinta; 4. (ideal) idaman, impian; (aspiration) impian: the man of her ~s, lelaki idamannya; his ~ was to become a millionaire, impiannya adalah utk menjadi seorang jutawan; the car of your ~s, kereta impianmu; 5. (colloq) so. or st which is very beautiful, enjoyable, wonderful, etc, [various translations]: she was a ~ in white lace, dia spt bidadari dgn pakaian baju renda serba putih; the house was really a ~, rumah itu betul-betul spt mahligai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |