section | provision for this is contained in S~ Three of the ordinance, peruntukan bagi perkara ini terkandung dlm Seksyen Tiga ordinan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
comprise | vt 1. contain, include, mempunyai; (of book, document, etc ), (act.) mengandungi; (pass.) terkandung: the house ~s four bedrooms, a kitchen and two bathrooms, rumah itu mempunyai empat bilik tidur, ruang dapur dan dua bilik mandi; the book ~s thirty pages of his early poems, buku itu mengandungi tiga puluh halaman sajak-sajak awalnya; 2. consist of, terdiri drpd: the advisory board ~s eight members, lembaga penasihat itu terdiri drpd lapan orang ahli; Malaysia ~s thirteen states, Malaysia terdiri drpd tiga belas negeri; 3. form, make up, terdiri drpd, membentuk: women ~ only 26% of the country’s labour force, hanya 26% tenaga buruh negeri itu terdiri drpd wanita. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
something | ~ like, a. rather like, lebih kurang spt: the fruit is contained in a small pod, ~ like a pea pod but much longer and thicker-skinned, buahnya terkandung dlm lenggai kecil, lebih kurang spt lenggai kacang pea tetapi lebih panjang dan kulitnya lebih tebal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
therein | adv (fml) 1. in that place, di dalamnya: thank you for the letter and the information contained ~, terima kasih atas surat tuan dan segala maklumat yg terkandung di dalamnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
herein | adv (fml) 1. in this, di dlm ini: the cheque enclosed ~, cek yg terlampir di dlm ini; ... and ~ is contained all the information, ... dan di dlm ini terkandung segala maklumat; 2. in this situation etc, di sinilah: ~ lies the danger, di sinilah terletaknya bahaya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intrinsic | adj [various translations]; (tech) intrinsik: his ~ worth has never been recognized because of his unprepossessing appearance, orang tdk nampak sifat-sifat baik yg ada pd dirinya disebabkan rupanya yg tdk menarik; the ~ merits of the idea, kebaikan yg terkandung dlm gagasan tersebut; problems ~ in such a system, masalah yg memang wujud dlm sistem spt itu; the ~ value of the coin, nilai intrinsik duit syiling itu; ~ motivation, dorongan intrinsik; be of ~ interest, menarik (perhatian); be of ~ value, tdk bernilai: a medal of no ~ value, pingat yg tdk bernilai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
embody | vt 1. give concrete form to, terjelma, wujud: the spirit of democracy is embodied in the revolutionary movement, semangat demokrasi terjelma dlm pergerakan revolusi itu; 2. incorporate, include, a. (in organization) (act.) merangkum; (pass.) terangkum: the three groups are embodied in the new organization, ketiga-tiga kumpulan itu terangkum dlm organisasi baru itu; b. (in a car, computer, etc), (act.) mengandungi; (pass.) terkandung; c. (in an Act) termaktub. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |