Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[ter.ku.lai] | ترکولاي

Definisi : terkelepai (spt bendera yg tidak berkibar), tergantung terbuai-buai (spt dahan patah), terlentok (kepala, bunga di dahan, dll): kakinya yg patah itu ~; kepalanya yg ~ itu perlahan-lahan diangkatnya; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[ter.ku.lai] | ترکولاي

Definisi : tergantung berbuai-buai (spt dahan kayu yg patah tetapi tidak putus); terkelepai (spt bendera yg tidak berkibar). (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Kata Terbitan : terkulai,


Nanas halwa pisang salai,
     Hidangan kali pertama dara;
Hasrat kecewa cinta terkulai,
     Ingatan mesra tetap ada.

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Anggup-anggip bagai rumput di tengah jalan.

Bermaksud :

Hidup yang serba susah. anggup-anggip = terkulai-kulai.


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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

limp 2 adj 1. lacking firmness, droopy, a. (of plant etc) layu, terkulai: during the dry spell, the plants looked quite ~, pd musim kering tanam-tanaman kelihatan layu; b. (of hair) tdk bermaya: long ~ hair, rambut panjang yg tdk bermaya; c. (of flag etc) terkelepai, terkulai, terkelepek; 2. without energy, a. (of person or animal) lembik, longlai, terkelepek: he was ~ with exhaustion, dia lembik krn kepenatan; b. (of part of body) terkulai, terkelepai, terkelepek: her eyes were glazed and her hand was ~, matanya bular dan tangannya terkulai; c. (of handshake) lemah, tdk bermaya; 3. (of textile) soft, lembik: ~ fabrics, fabrik yg lembik; 4. (of the binding of a book) kulit lembut: a ~ edition, edisi kulit lembut.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
limp 2 adj 1. lacking firmness, droopy, a. (of plant etc) layu, terkulai: during the dry spell, the plants looked quite ~, pd musim kering tanam-tanaman kelihatan layu; b. (of hair) tdk bermaya: long ~ hair, rambut panjang yg tdk bermaya; c. (of flag etc) terkelepai, terkulai, terkelepek; 2. without energy, a. (of person or animal) lembik, longlai, terkelepek: he was ~ with exhaustion, dia lembik krn kepenatan; b. (of part of body) terkulai, terkelepai, terkelepek: her eyes were glazed and her hand was ~, matanya bular dan tangannya terkulai; c. (of handshake) lemah, tdk bermaya; 3. (of textile) soft, lembik: ~ fabrics, fabrik yg lembik; 4. (of the binding of a book) kulit lembut: a ~ edition, edisi kulit lembut.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
numblyadv 1. dlm keadaan kebas: his leg hung down ~, kakinya terkulai dlm keadaan kebas; 2. (fig.) dgn perasaan kaku: ~, he watched the funeral procession, dgn perasaan kaku dia menyaksikan perarakan jenazah itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
danglethe keys ~d as he walked past, kunci-kunci itu berbuai-buai apabila dia berjalan melewati kami; a peddler with his wares dangling at the ends of a pole, penjaja dgn dagangannya berbuai-buai di hujung kandar; 3. hang loosely as part of st, terjuntai; (due to damage, injury) terkulai, terkelepai: his legs ~d in the air, kakinya terjuntai; the broken branch ~d precariously over us, dahan yg patah itu terkulai dgn bahayanya di atas kepala kami; 4. hang by arms, bergayut, bersenggayut: monkeys dangling from the branches, monyet-monyet yg bergayut pd dahan-dahan itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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