second-hand | adj & adv 1. used, terpakai: the shop sells good ~ furniture, kedai itu menjual perabot terpakai yg baik; I bought it ~ about two years ago, saya membeli barang terpakai itu lebih kurang dua tahun lalu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
junk1 | n 1. old, discarded things, barang-barang lama: a cupboard full of ~, almari yg penuh dgn barang-barang lama; 2. old, second-hand things, barang-barang terpakai: a ~ dealer, peniaga barang-barang terpakai; 3. (colloq) nonsense, rubbish, tdk elok: he reads nothing but ~, dia hanya membaca buku-buku yg tdk elok; the film we saw was just ~, filem yg kami tonton tdk elok langsung; talk ~, merepek; 4. (sl) drug, esp heroin, heroin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dealer | n 1. trader, peniaga, peraih: a used-car ~, seorang peniaga kereta terpakai; 2. (in card game ) pembahagi (daun terup): he’s the ~ this time, kali ini dialah pembahagi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pick 1 | radio; g. ( colloq ) buy st cheaply, dapat membeli sst: he ~ed up a second-hand car for $5,000, dia dapat membeli kereta terpakai dgn harga $5,000; h. continue conversation etc, menyambung sst: we ~ed up the discussion where we’d left off, kami menyambung perbincangan bermula dr perkara yg terhenti; i. contract illness, /mendapat, kena/ sst: he ~ed up an eye infection while on holiday abroad, dia kena sakit mata semasa bercuti di luar negeri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pile 1 | the bottom of the ~, (colloq), (in society) kelas bawahan; make/ ~a, o’s/ ~, (colloq) buat duit: he made his ~ buying and selling used cars, dia buat duit dgn membeli dan menjual kereta terpakai; the top of the ~, (colloq), (in society) kelas atasan: he has got to the top of the ~ through hard work and determination, dia berjaya masuk ke kelas atasan melalui usaha gigih dan keazamannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
copy | n 1. reproduction of an original, salinan: make three copies of the letter, buat tiga salinan surat itu; certified ~, salinan yg sah; 2. imitation, tiruan: her dress is a ~ of a Paris model, bajunya adalah tiruan model Paris; 3. specimen, naskhah; (of photograph) keping: they ordered 500 copies of the book, mereka memesan 500 naskhah buku itu; a second-hand ~, naskhah terpakai; 4. material for publication, kopi: the feature writer is late with his ~, penulis rencana terlewat menghantar kopinya; fair ~, kopi bersih; good ~, bahan berita yg menarik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |