get | f. (nearly) escape injury, terselamat: her brother nearly died but she got off with only a few bruises, abangnya nyaris-nyaris mati tetapi dia terselamat dan hanya luka sedikit; looking at the wreckage everyone was surprised that the lorry driver got off unscathed, melihatkan keadaan kenderaan yg remuk, semua orang hairan drebar lori itu terselamat dan tdk cedera sedikit pun; g. finish work, habis bekerja, kerja [sso] habis: the machine operators do not ~ off until 5.30, operator mesin hanya habis bekerja pd pukul 5.30; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
limb | escape with life and ~, terselamat drpd sebarang kecederaan: the pilot was lucky to escape with life and ~, juruterbang itu bernasib baik krn terselamat drpd sebarang kecederaan; leave so. out on a ~, menyebabkan sso berada dlm keadaan terkatung-katung: he’s been left out on a ~ by the committee’s arbitrary decision, keputusan jawatankuasa yg sewenang-wenang itu telah menyebabkan dia berada dlm keadaan terkatung-katung; . | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
limb | escape with life and ~, terselamat drpd sebarang kecederaan: the pilot was lucky to escape with life and ~, juruterbang itu bernasib baik krn terselamat drpd sebarang kecederaan; leave so. out on a ~, menyebabkan sso berada dlm keadaan terkatung-katung: he’s been left out on a ~ by the committee’s arbitrary decision, keputusan jawatankuasa yg sewenang-wenang itu telah menyebabkan dia berada dlm keadaan terkatung-katung; . | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
walk | c. emerge safely from (st) terselamat: he alone ~ed away from the terrible accident unhurt, hanya dia seorang sahaja yg terselamat dlm kemalangan itu tanpa mengalami kecederaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
survive | vt 1. continue to live in spite of nearly being killed by (st ), terselamat: those that ~d the shipwreck were slaughtered by the islanders, mereka yg terselamat dlm kejadian kapal yg karam itu telah dibunuh oleh penduduk pulau itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unscathed | adj tdk cedera: he escaped ~, dia terselamat dan tdk cedera. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deliverance | n (old-fashioned) 1. act of rescuing, liberating, pembebasan, diselamatkan: their ~ from slavery, pembebasan mereka drpd pengabdian; 2. state of being rescued, liberated, terselamat, bebas: to thank God for their ~, bersyukur kpd Tuhan krn mereka telah terselamat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
none | ~ but, hanya... saja: ~ but the strongest survived, hanya yg terkuat saja yg terselamat; ~ but a fool would walk down the road at night, hanya orang bodoh sahaja yg akan berjalan di jalan itu pd waktu malam; ~ other than, tdk lain (dan tdk bukan) drpd: that is ~ other than Prince Edward, orang itu tdk lain dan tdk bukan drpd Putera Edward; have ~ of (it), (colloq) tak mahu /melihat, mendengar, dll/ (+ approp clause or n phr): I will have ~ of your rowdy behaviour here, saya tdk mahu melihat kamu berkelakuan buruk di sini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flee | vi lari: the survivors fled into the neighbouring country, orang-orang yg terselamat lari ke negara jiran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unhurt | adj tanpa mengalami kecederaan: two of the passengers escaped ~ , dua drpd penumpang itu terselamat tanpa mengalami kecederaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |