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Kata Terbitan : menyepit, tersepit, penyepit,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

jam1vt 1. cram, (act.) menyumbatkan, memadatkan; (pass.) padat, sendat, penuh: a drawer ~med with clothes, laci yg padat dgn pakaian; 2. wedge immovably, (act.) approp v [n] + /tersepit, terjepit/; (pass.) tersepit, terjepit: he ~med the table between the cupboard and the wall, dia meletakkan meja itu tersepit di antara almari dan dinding; the child got his fingers ~med in the door, jari anak itu tersepit di celah pintu; 3. fill by crowding, penuh sesak: crowds of people ~med the main streets, jalan-jalan besar penuh sesak dgn orang ramai; 4. cause to become locked, stuck, menyebabkan [n] + approp v: the sudden application of the brakes ~med the wheels, menekan brek dgn tiba-tiba menyebabkan roda tdk dapat bergerak; to ~ the typewriter keys, menyebabkan mata mesin taip tdk dapat ditekan; 5. (radio) mengganggu: to ~ the enemy’s station, mengganggu stesen pemancaran musuh;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
jam1vi 1. a. become tightly wedged, tersepit, terjepit: the canoe ~med in the rocky rapids, kanu itu tersepit di jeram yg berbatu; b. become blocked, tersekat: a ship ~ med in the ice-bound port, sebuah kapal tersekat di pelabuhan yg penuh dgn ais itu; 2. become unworkable, tdk dapat + approp v, rosak; (of drawer) tersekat, tdk dapat ditarik keluar: the brakes suddenly ~med, brek kereta saya tiba-tiba rosak; the door has ~med and we need to get it repaired, pintu itu tdk dapat dibuka dan kita perlu membaikinya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pinion 1c. (as by obstruction etc) tersepit, terhimpit: he was ~ed underneath the wreckage of his car, dia tersepit di bawah bangkai keretanya; 2. bind (person) firmly to st, mengikat: they ~ed him to the post, mereka mengikatnya pd tiang; 3. prevent (bird) from flying by cutting off pinion, mengerat hujung sayap.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cornervt 1. trap, a. mengepung: the police ~ed the fugitive, polis mengepung orang buruan itu; b. (fig.) membuat [sso] berasa tersepit: the prosecutor’s question ~ed him, soalan pendakwa itu membuat dia berasa tersepit; 2. (econ) memonopoli pasaran: the firm ~ed the sugar market, firma itu memonopoli pasaran gulaKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
catchvi 1. become entangled, tersangkut: her long scarf caught in the branches, selendangnya yg panjang itu tersangkut pd ranting; 2. be, get wedged in, tersepit, terapit, terkepit: her finger caught in the door, jarinya tersepit pd pintu; 3. ignite, menyala: the kindling caught immediately, ranting-ranting itu segera menyala; 4. (of fire) menyala; 5. become fastened, terkancing, masuk: the latch did not ~, selak itu tdk terkancing;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
nip 1 vt 1. pinch, bite, a. (with finger and thumb) mencubit: the boy ~ped my arm, budak itu mencubit lengan saya; b. (with teeth) menggigit: that dog ~s people, anjing itu menggigit orang; c. (with beak) mematuk, mencatuk: the parrot will ~ you if you are not careful, burung kakak tua itu akan mematuk kamu jika kamu tdk berhati-hati; d. (with claw) menyepit, menjepit: I was ~ped by the crab, saya disepit ketam; 2. press, catch between door and doorpost, tersepit, terjepit: the child ~ped her finger in the door, jari kanak-kanak itu tersepit di pintu;__Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pinchvt 1. squeeze, a. (between forefinger and thumb) mencubit: she ~ed the little boy’s cheek playfully, dia mencubit pipi budak lelaki kecil itu secara main-main; b. (between pincers) menyepit: a crab ~ed her toes, ketam menyepit jari kakinya; c. (between two hard surfaces) tersepit: she had her finger ~ed in the cupboard door, jarinya tersepit pd pintu almari; 2. painfully squeeze or press due to lack of space, menggigit: these new shoes ~ my toes, kasut baru ini menggigit jari-jari kaki saya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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