unstructured | adj not organized, tdk /tersusun, teratur/: an ~ method of education, kaedah pendidikan yg tdk tersusun. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stack | vt 1. also ~ up, arrange in neat pile, (act.) menyusun; (pass.) tersusun: he chopped the wood and ~ed it in the woodshed, dia memotong kayu dan menyusunnya dlm bangsal; a number of reference books were ~ed on the table, beberapa buah buku rujukan tersusun di atas meja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disorderly | adj 1. not orderly, tdk /teratur, tersusun/; (of place) berse(le)rak, tdk teratur: a ~ collection of books, koleksi buku yg tdk teratur; a ~ playroom, bilik permainan yg berselerak; 2. unruly, berkelakuan tdk senonoh; (of gathering, meeting, etc) tdk dapat dikawal: they were a ~ group of people, kumpulan itu berkelakuan tdk senonoh; he was arrested for being drunk and ~, dia ditangkap krn mabuk dan berkelakuan tdk senonoh; a ~ demonstration, tunjuk perasaan yg tdk dapat dikawal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
season | vi mengering: the wood is stacked outside in the yard and left to ~, kayu itu tersusun di halaman dan dibiarkan supaya mengering; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
organize | b. arrange into a system, (act.) mengatur, menyusun; (pass.) teratur, tersusun; (o’s life), (act.) mengurus; (pass.) terurus: he ~d his work in such a way that he had adequate time for recreation, dia mengatur kerjanya begitu rupa supaya ada masa utk berekreasi; one can see that her thoughts are well ~d, kita dapat melihat bahawa dia berfikir dgn cara yg teratur; all these separate parts are ~d into a coherent whole, semua bahagian-bahagian yg berasingan ini diatur menjadi kesatuan yg padu; you must learn to ~ your life a little better, kamu mesti belajar mengurus hidup kamu dgn lebih baik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mess | in a ~, a. in an untidy state, dlm keadaan tdk /teratur, kemas/; (in ref to things not in proper order) tdk /tersusun, teratur/; (scattered at random) berselerak, bersepah-sepah: his office is always in a ~, pejabatnya s | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alongside | adv 1. along the side, di /tepinya, sisinya, sampingnya, sebelahnya/: a sawmill with logs piled ~, sebuah kilang papan dgn kayu-kayu balak tersusun di tepinya; 2. in company, di /sisinya, sampingnya, sebelahnya/: the bride with her father ~, pengantin perempuan dgn bapanya di sisinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
illustrative | adj 1. serving to illustrate by example etc, menunjukkan: that remark was ~ of his attitude towards politics, ata-katanya itu menunjukkan sikapnya thdp politik; 2. serving to illustrate by drawings, photographs, etc, ilustrasi, bergambar: the ~ materials are well arranged, bahan-bahan ilustrasi itu tersusun rapi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |