end | b. with end facing one, dgn hujungnya tertegak: the iron rod fell to the ground ~ on, batang besi itu jatuh dgn hujungnya tertegak ke tanah; ~ to ~, hujung dgn hujung: the boxes were arranged ~ to ~, kotak-kotak itu disusun hujung dgn hujung; at an ~, a. over, berakhir: the reign of terror was at an ~, pemerintahan ganas itu telah berakhir; b. exhausted, kehabisan, habis: he gambled until his money was at an ~, dia berjudi sehingga wangnya habis; at o’s wits’ ~, tenggelam punca: he was at his wit’s ~ on how to deal with the problem, dia tenggelam punca dlm hal mengendalikan masalah itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rise | 5. appear above the horizon, terbit: we got up early to watch the sun ~ above the horizon, kami bangun awal utk melihat matahari terbit di ufuk; 6. be built or erected, terdiri, tertegak; (colloq) naik: a new city rose on the ashes of the old one, kota baru tertegak di atas debu kota lama; 7. increase, a. (in amount, degree, etc) meningkat, naik: prices have ~n sharply, harga meningkat dgn meruncing; exports have ~n over the past year, eksport meningkat pd tahun lalu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fall | ~ on, menyerang; (food) menerpa: the bandits fell on the helpless people, pengganas-pengganas itu menyerang mereka yg tdk berdaya; the illness fell on him suddenly, penyakit itu menyerangnya dgn tiba-tiba; he fell on his food as though he was starving, dia menerpa makanannya seolah-olah dia kebuluran; / ~, land / on o’s feet, jatuh tertegak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |