impale | vt pierce through, transfix, (act.) menikam, menusuk; (pass.) tertikam, tertusuk; (hist) menyula: the colonel committed suicide by impaling himself on his own sword, kolonel itu membunuh diri dgn menikam dirinya dgn pedang; his body was ~d on the broken steering column, badannya tertikam pd turus roda kemudi yg patah itu; the ing ordered him to be ~d, raja itu memerintahkan supaya dia disula. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pierce | vt1. penetrate esp with st sharp, a. (knife, dagger, spear, etc) menikam; (accidentally) tertikam: his opponent ~d his shoulder with a sword, lawannya menikam bahunya dgn pedang; the dagger ~d his arm, lengannya tertikam pisau belati; b. (small pointed object like pin, needle, etc) mencucuk, menusuk; (accidentally) tercucuk, tertusuk: the mischievous boy ~d his classmate’s arm with the nib of his pen, budak nakal itu mencucuk lengan rakan sedarjahnya dgn mata pen; a large thorn had ~d her foot, kakinya tercucuk | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |