fickleness | n sifat /mudah berubah-ubah (hati), tdk tetap hati/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fickle | adj mudah berubah-ubah (hati), tdk tetap hati; (of weather) mudah berubah-ubah, tdk tetap: she has a ~ disposition, dia mudah berubah-ubah orangnya; a ~ lover, kekasih yg mudah berubah-ubah hati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
volatile | 2. unpredictable, mudah berubah hati, tdk tetap pendirian: a ~ person, subject to sudden changes of mood, orang yg tdk tetap pendirian yg selalu mengikut anginnya; 3. liable to sudden, unexpected change, sentiasa bergolak: the situation in the Middle East is highly ~, keadaan di Timur Tengah sentiasa bergolak hebat; 4. (of trading conditions etc) unstable, turun naik: the stock-market being so ~, it is best not to invest, pasaran saham sedang turun naik, jadi lebih baik jangan melabur sekarang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
adamant | adj 1. (in character) /keras, tegar/ hati (sifatnya), (bersifat) tegar: I wish she were less ~, kalaulah dia tdk begitu keras hati; 2. (in resolution) tetap /berpendapat, berpendirian/, /tetap dgn, tdk berganjak drpd/ pendirian sso: he was ~ that he was fit to work, dia tetap berpendapat bahawa dia sudah sihat dan dapat bekerja; on this issue, I am ~, saya tetap dgn pendirian saya ttg perkara itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chin | n dagu; keep o’s ~ up, (colloq) tetap tabah (hati); take st on the ~, (colloq) menghadapi sst dgn tabah (hati). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lip | escape o’s ~s, terkeluar dr mulut sso; keep a stiff upper ~, tetap tabah (hati); on every ~, on everyone’s ~s, /meniti bibir, sentiasa di bibir/ ramai orang: a song that is on everyone’s ~s, lagu yg sedang meniti bibir ramai orang; pass o’s ~s, a. (of food) dimakan; (of drink) diminum: not a drop of water has passed his ~s today, setitik air pun tdk diminumnya hari ini; b. (of spoken word) mengucapkan: he was warned not to let a word of it pass his ~s, dia diberi amaran supaya tdk mengucapkan sepatah kata pun ttg hal itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
humble | adj 1. having, showing a modest opinion of os, rendah /hati, diri/, suka merendahkan diri: he remained ~ in spite of his success, dia tetap rendah hati walaupun sudah berjaya; 2. lowly, poor, hina, daif: I’m just a ~ fisherman, saya hanyalah nelayan yg hina; no task was too ~ for him, tdk ada pekerjaan yg terlalu hina baginya; of ~ /birth, origin, stock/, berketurunan rendah; 3. unpretentious, sederhana: ~ fare, makanan yg sederhana; my ~ home, rumah saya yg sederhana; 4. (indic an unassuming attitude, state of mind) dgn rendah hati: my ~ apologies, dgn rendah hati saya meminta maaf; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
obdurate | adj (fml & derog) keras kepala, keras hati; (of leadership, determination, etc) keras: in spite of their pleas for clemency he remained ~, walaupun mereka merayu supaya dia menaruh rasa belas kasihan, dia tetap keras hati; his ~ determination to gain control, azamnya yg keras utk mendapat kuasa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
moment | nampaknya dia berpuas hati dgn apa yg dia ada buat masa ini; have /o’s, its/ ~s, (colloq) ada masa-masanya + approp adj : on the whole it was a dull vacation but it had its ~s, percutian itu bolehlah dikatakan membosankan tetap | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grace | fall from ~, a. fall out of favour, tdk disukai lagi: he fell from ~ and soon resigned his post as Permanent Secretary, dia tdk disukai lagi dan tdk lama kemudian meletakkan jawatannya sbg Setiausaha Tetap; b. fall back into bad old ways of behaving, berbalik kpd perangai lama; have the ~, ada budi bahasa: at least he had the ~ to apologize for being late, sekurang-kurangnya dia ada budi bahasa dan meminta maaf krn terlewat; be in so’s good ~s, disukai (oleh) sso: he was certainly not in his teacher’s good ~s, dia memang tdk disukai gurunya; with (a) /good, bad/ ~, dgn /rela hati, berat hati/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |