otherwise | be ~ engaged, sibuk: I would have gone to the party had I not been ~ engaged, jika tidak krn sibuk, saya pasti pergi ke majlis itu; or ~, or not, atau tidak: consciously or ~, they both worked towards the same objective, secara sedar atau tidak, mereka berdua berusaha utk mencapai tujuan yg sama. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
engaged | adj 1. betrothed, bertunang: ~ couples,z pasangan-pasangan yg telah bertunang; 2. busy, sibuk: “Can you come on Friday night?” “No, I’m otherwise~”, “Boleh saudara datang pd malam Sabtu?” “Tidak boleh, saya sibuk”; 3. ( of telephone line ) in use, digunakan: the line is ~, talian itu sedang digunakan; 4. (of public toilet ) sedang digunakan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |