skulduggery, skullduggery | n (old-fashioned & often humorous) tipu daya: he believed that there had been some ~ in the recent election, dia percaya bahawa terdapat tipu daya dlm pilihan raya baru-baru ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
artifice | n 1. artful device, expedient, cara: the use of mirrors is an ~ to make the room look larger, penggunaan cermin ialah satu cara utk menjadikan bilik itu kelihatan lebih luas; 2. trickery, subtle deception, muslihat, tipu daya, tipu helah: by means of this ~ she was able to trap him into marriage, dgn muslihat ini dia berjaya menjerat lelaki itu utk berkahwin dengannya; 3. ingenious skill, kemahiran (+ approp v): a beauty that depended more on ~ than nature, kecantikan yg bergantung lebih pd kemahiran berdandan drpd keadaan semula jadi; a tale that needs no ~ to make it gripping, cerita yg tdk memerlukan kemahiran mengolah utk menjadikannya sangat menarik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
slick | adj 1. (derog) wily, adroit, licik: a ~ businessman, ahli perniagaan yg licik; it was the ~est trick I have ever heard of, itulah tipu daya paling licik yg pernah saya dengar; ~ oratory, pidato yg licik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deceit | n 1. act of cheating, penipuan, menipu, memperdaya(kan) /sso, sst/: to be adept in the art of ~, pandai menipu; 2. dishonest trick, tipuan, perdayaan, tipu /daya, helah/, putar belit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |