tissue | n 1. (biol) tisu: muscular ~, tisu otot; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cellular | adj 1. (biol) bersel: ~ tissue, tisu bersel; 2. (of textile) berlubang-lubang, berongga-rongga: ~ material, kain yg berlubang-lubang; 3. having cavities, porous, berongga-rongga, berliang-liang: ~ rocks, batu yg berongga-rongga. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
connective | n 1. (gram.) konektif; 2. (bot) tisu penghubung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
magnify | vt 1. membuat [sst] kelihatan lebih besar: the microscope will ~ the tissue for examination, mikroskop akan membuat tisu itu kelihatan lebih besar utk pemeriksaan; 2. (fig.) membesar-besarkan: he has magnified his dif | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
adventitious | adj (fml) 1. accidental, approp v + secara kebetulan: ~ causes, sebab-sebab yg timbul secara kebetulan; 2. ( biol ) adventitius: ~ root, akar adventitius; ~ tissue, tisu adventitius. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
invade | vt 1. enter forcibly in order to take control of, attack, a. melanggar, menyerang: when the Romans ~d Gaul..., apabila orang-orang Rom melanggar Gaul...; b. (fig.) menyerang: microorganisms that ~ diseased tissue, mikroorganisma yg menyerang tisu yg berpenyakit; the birds drive out others that try to ~ their territory, burung-burung tersebut menghalau binatang-binatang lain yg mencuba menyerang kawasannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inject | vt 1. (med), (so. or st with st) menyuntik; (st into so. st) menyuntikkan: to ~ so. with a serum, menyuntik sso dgn serum; he ~ed the drug into the tissue around the wound, dia menyuntikkan dadah itu ke dlm tisu di keliling luka tersebut; 2. introduce, add, menyelitkan, menyisipkan; (money) menyuntikkan: he was able to ~ humour into the discussion, dia dapat menyelitkan jenaka dlm perbincangan itu; a teacher who ~ed a sense of excitement into the history lessons, guru yg menyelitkan unsur-unsur yg menyeronokkan dlm mata pelajaran sejarah; the government has ~ed large sums of money into the ailing industry, kerajaan telah menyuntikkan wang yg banyak ke dlm industri yg tenat itu; ~ so. against, menyuntik sso utk mencegah: the child has been ~ed against rubella, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fold1 | 4. bring to rest close to body, (wing) menguncupkan; (leg) melipat: she sat with one leg ~ed under her, dia duduk dgn melipat sebelah kakinya; 5. often ~ in, wrap, enclose, membalut [sst, sso], membalutkan [sst pd / sst, sso/]: she ~ed the dress in tissue paper, dia membalut baju itu dgn kertas tisu; ~ the napkin around the cutlery, balutkan napkin pd sudu dan garpu; she ~ed a towel about the baby, dia membalutkan tuala pd bayi itu or dia membalut bayi itu dgn tuala; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lining | n 1. layer of material to cover inside surface, lapik, alas; (of clothing, curtain) lapis, lapik: the ~ of the skirt is torn, lapis skirt itu koyak; 2. material for covering the inside of clothing, curtain, etc, kain /lapis, lapik/; 3. layer of tissue covering inner surface of body, etc, tisu pengalas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |