splash | 3. contrasting patch (of colour or light) tompokan: black material with ~es of orange, kain hitam dgn tompokan-tompokan jingga; a flowering rose bush made a red ~ of colour against the old wall, rumpun mawar yg sedang berbunga memberikan tompokan merah pd dinding itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
puddle | n 1.small pool of water usu in shallow depression in ground, lopak: heavy rain made ~s on the road, hujan yg lebat menyebabkan terjadinya lopak-lopak di atas jalan itu; 2.small pool of any other liquid, tompokan + (approp n): although she did her best to mop up all the water, there were still a few ~s on the floor, walaupun dia telah mengelap sebaik-baiknya, tetapi masih terdapat beberapa tompokan air di atas lantai itu; there were ~s of soft drink all over the verandah after the children’s party, terdapat tompokan-tompokan minuman ringan di merata-rata tempat di beranda selepas majlis parti budak-budak itu; 3. also ~ clay, /tanah liat, lempung/ liat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spatter | 2. stain, spot caused by spattering, tompokan, tepekan: he removed the ~s of mud with his handkerchief, dia menyapu tepekan lumpur itu dgn sapu tangannya; the painter had left ~s of paint on the floor, tukang cat itu meninggalkan tompokan cat di lantai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |