horizon | n 1. line at which sky and earth seem to meet, kaki langit, ufuk, horizon: the sun sank below the ~, matahari terbenam di ufuk; sensible ~, kaki langit nyata; 2. (fig.), [various translations]: travel will broaden a person’s ~s, pengembaraan akan meluaskan pengalaman sso; beyond the ~ of human intellect, di luar batas intelek manusia; political ~, ruang lingkup politik; 3. (geol) lapisan (tanah). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
line 1 | d. (that separates two areas) garis: the faint ~ of the horizon, garis ufuk yg samar-samar; 7. long piece of string, rope, a. (for drying clothes on) ampaian; b. (for catching fish) tali kail: when he pulled up his ~, he found that the fish had got away, apabila dia merentap tali kail itu ke atas, dia mendapati ikan telah terlepas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
line 1 | d. (that separates two areas) garis: the faint ~ of the horizon, garis ufuk yg samar-samar; 7. long piece of string, rope, a. (for drying clothes on) ampaian; b. (for catching fish) tali kail: when he pulled up his ~, he found that the fish had got away, apabila dia merentap tali kail itu ke atas, dia mendapati ikan telah terlepas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sky-high | adv 1. as high as the sky, melangit, setinggi langit: the mountain rose ~ on the horizon, gunung itu memuncak setinggi langit di ufuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rise | 5. appear above the horizon, terbit: we got up early to watch the sun ~ above the horizon, kami bangun awal utk melihat matahari terbit di ufuk; 6. be built or erected, terdiri, tertegak; (colloq) naik: a new city rose on the ashes of the old one, kota baru tertegak di atas debu kota lama; 7. increase, a. (in amount, degree, etc) meningkat, naik: prices have ~n sharply, harga meningkat dgn meruncing; exports have ~n over the past year, eksport meningkat pd tahun lalu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appearance | b. (slowly) kelihatan: the castaways’ hopes were raised by the ~ of a ship on the horizon, harapan orang-orang yg kapalnya telah karam itu semakin meningkat apabila sebuah kapal kelihatan di ufuk; 2. occurrence, coming into existence, [various translations]: the ~ of tyranny again and again throughout history, wujudnya kezaliman yg berulang-ulang sepanjang sejarah; the ~ of political bias in his writings, terdapat sikap politik yg berat sebelah dlm tulisan-tulisannya; the first ~ of the word in English,munculnya kata itu utk kali pertama dlm bahasa Inggeris; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
on | 6. (indic general area upon which st is situated or some activity takes place, happens) di; (used in proper nouns, “on” remains unchanged): they have an apartment ~ Park Avenue, mereka mempunyai pangsapuri di Park Avenue; ~ the horizon, di ufuk; a little town ~ the river, pekan kecil di tebing sungai; the city is ~ the coast, bandar raya itu di tepi pantai; ~ the frontier, di perbatasan; he works ~ a rubber estate, dia bekerja di ladang getah; they were ~ the highway when one of the tyres burst, mereka sedang memandu di lebuh raya apabila salah satu drpd tayar kereta mereka meletup; Stratford ~ Avon, Stratford on Avon; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rekindle | vi 1. bernyala semula: the dying fire ~d when he blew on it, api yg hampir padam itu menyala semula sewaktu dia meniupnya; 2. (fig.), /menyala, hidup/ semula; (of enthusiasm), /berkobar-kobar, bernyala-nyala/ semula: hope ~d when another ship appeared on the horizon, harapan menyala semula sewaktu sebuah kapal lain muncul di ufuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
plainly | adv 1. obviously, jelas: she was ~ worried and left the office in a hurry, jelas, dia risau krn dia telah meninggalkan pejabat dgn tergesa-gesa; 2. clearly see, hear, dgn jelas; (smell) kuat: the small island was ~ visible on the horizon, pulau kecil itu kelihatan dgn jelas di ufuk; I could hear quite ~ what they were saying, saya dapat mendengar dgn jelas apa yg mereka perkatakan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dot | n small round spot, titik; (appearing in large numbers on dress, leaf, etc) bintik: you have forgotten to put the ~ on the “j”, kamu terlupa membubuh titik pd huruf “j”; a ~ of red paint, setitik cat merah; she was wearing a red blouse with white ~s on it, dia memakai blaus merah yg berbintik putih; she watched until the ship became a mere ~ on the horizon, dia memperhatikan kapal itu sehingga menjadi satu titik di ufuk; on the ~, (colloq) tepat pd /masanya, waktunya/; (of specified time) tepat: we arrived on the ~, kita tiba tepat pd masanya; 8 o’clock on the ~, pukul 8 tepat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |