threat | n 1. warning of intended punishment, harm, etc, ancaman, ugutan: he was heard to utter ~s against the landlord, terdengar dia mengeluarkan kata-kata ancaman kpd tuan rumah itu; it’s pointless to make a ~ if you don’t intend | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cajolery | n pujukan: to use cajoleries and veiled threats, menggunakan pujukan dan ugutan yg terselindung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blackmail | n 1. extortion of money, peras ugut; 2. use of threat or moral pressure, ugutan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intimidation | n act of, a. (causing so. to be afraid) menakut-nakuti, menakuti, intimidasi; b. ( coercing with threats or violence) ugutan, intimidasi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
threat | be under the ~ of, krn diancam akan: Matt only complied with his orders under the ~ of dismissal, Matt hanya mematuhi perintah-perintahnya krn diancam akan dibuang kerja; give in to ~s, tunduk pd /ancaman, ugutan/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
implicit | adj 1. implied, tersirat: all the conditions whether explicit or ~ must be agreed to, semua syarat, sama ada nyata atau tersirat, mestilah dipersetujui; her reply carried an ~ threat, jawapannya mengandungi ugutan yg tersirat; although he draws no conclusions, they are ~ in his argument, walaupun dia tdk membuat sebarang kesimpulan, kesimpulan itu tersirat dlm hujahnya; 2. unquestioning, absolute, penuh; (of obedience) mutlak: I have ~ faith in his ability to cope with the situation, saya mempunyai kepercayaan penuh thdp kebolehannya menghadapi keadaan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sabre-rattling | n 1. threat of military attack, ancaman perang: such ~ is not conducive to good relations with our neighbours, ancaman perang begitu tdk membantu dlm hubungan baik dgn negara jiran; 2. attempt to frighten (so.) by threat, ugutan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
work | 7. perform without failing, succeed, berjaya; (of filing, coding, etc, systems) berkesan: I don’t think the plan will ~, but we can try it, saya tdk fikir rancangan itu akan berjaya, tetapi kita boleh mencuba; terror tactics won’t ~ against the government, taktik ugutan tdk akan berjaya menentang kerajaan; our filing system ~s well, sistem fail kami berkesan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stand | c. maintain a particular attitude, pendirian: the newly appointed minister was asked to explain how he stood on the question of polygamy, menteri yg baru dilantik itu diminta menerangkan pendiriannya ttg poligami; the government must ~ firm against this kind of political blackmail, kerajaan mesti mempunyai pendirian yg tegas thdp ugutan politik begini; ~ on the sidelines, berdiri dan melihat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
overtone | n 1. (mus) ton terbitan; 2. (usu in pl) implication, suggestion, tersembunyi; (in so’s voice, letter) nada; (rel to racism, religion, politics) berbau: he was extremely polite, but there was no mistaking the ~s of blackmail in his statement, dia amat bersopan tetapi jelas terdapat ugutan yg tersembunyi dlm kenyataannya; the ~s of despair in her letters, nada kecewa dlm surat-suratnya; a play with racist ~s, drama yg berbau perkauman; several of his later works had political ~s, beberapa karyanya yg terkemudian berbau politik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |