floating | adj 1. not fixed or committed, terapung: we must take into account the ~ vote, kita mesti mengambil kira undi-undi terapung; 2. (med) terapung: ~ kidney, buah pinggang terapung; 3. that floats, terapung: ~ restaurant, restoran terapung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
vote | ~ down, (usu pass.), (person) disingkirkan secara undi; (proposal ) ditolak secara undi: the vice-president got ~d down, Naib Presiden itu telah disingkirkan secara undi; the proposal was ~d down, usul itu telah ditolak secara undi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
vote | ~ of confidence, undi percaya; ~ of no confidence, undi tdk percaya; ~ of thanks, ucapan terima kasih: the meeting proposed a ~ of thanks to the chairman, mesyuarat memberikan ucapan terima kasih kpd pengerusi; cast o’s ~, mengundi, membuang undi; one man one ~, satu orang satu undi; put st to the ~, memperundikan sst: the Speaker put the Bill to the ~, Tuan Speaker memperundikan Rang Undang-undang itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ballot | n/b1. system of voting in secret, pengundian (sulit), pembuangan undi; 2. act, instance of voting in secret, pengundian (sulit), pembuangan undi, mengundi (secara sulit), membuang undi; take a ~, mengundi (secara sulit); 3. ballot-paper, kertas undi; 4. votes cast, jumlah undi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
poll | 2. total of votes, bilangan undi: they expected a light ~ in that constituency, mereka menjangkakan bilangan undi yg kecil di kawasan pilihan raya itu; the Conservatives expected a heavy ~, parti Konservatif menjangka mereka akan mendapat bilangan undi yg besar; 3. also opinion poll, survey of public opinion, tinjauan pendapat: a ~ was conducted to gauge public opinion on the issue, satu tinjauan pendapat telah diadakan utk mengukur pendapat ramai ttg isu itu; 4. list of voters, daftar pemilih: his name was not on the ~, namanya tdk ada dlm daftar pemilih; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
vote | n 1. choice made by voting, undi: each man has only one ~, setiap orang hanya dibenarkan satu undi sahaja; there was a slight decrease in the ~ for the opposition, kekurangan undi pihak pembangkang adalah kecil; give o’s ~ to, mengundi: I give my ~ to the independent candidate, saya mengundi calon bebas; 2. act of making a choice by voting, pengundian: the ~ was by a show of hands, pengundian dibuat dgn cara mengangkat tangan; /have, take/ a ~, mengundi: we shall take a ~ on the proposal, kita akan mengundi utk usul itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
vote | 3. ballot by which a vote is expressed, kertas undi: if you do not put a number in every square your ~ will be invalid, kalau kamu tdk menulis nombor pd setiap petak, kertas undi kamu akan menjadi tdk sah; 4. total number of votes cast, jumlah undi: he won the election by a majority ~, dia memenangi pilihan raya itu dgn jumlah undi terbanyak; the opposition captured 40% of the ~, pihak pembangkang mendapat 40% drpd jumlah undi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
suffrage | by ~, secara undi: he was elected by ~, dia dipilih secara undi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
polling | n voting, pembuangan undi, pengundian: ~ was heavy in the constituency, pembuangan undi adalah besar di kawasan pilihan raya itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
vote | ~ in, memilih [sst] secara undi: to ~ a government in, memilih sebuah kerajaan secara undi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |