collaborator | n 1. one who works jointly with others, rakan usaha sama: they were ~s on this book, mereka merupakan rakan usaha sama dlm menghasilkan buku ini; 2. one who cooperates (with an enemy) subahat, sekongkol: the ~s were eventually shot, subahat-subahat itu akhirnya ditembak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
collaborative | adj (yg dibuat secara) usaha sama. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
collaboration | n 1. working together, kerjasama; in ~ (with so.) secara usaha sama dgn sso; 2. cooperation (with enemy) persubahatan, bersubahat, bersekongkol: a man accused of ~ with the enemy, orang yg dituduh bersubahat dgn musuh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
joint | adj bersama: ~ effort, usaha bersama; ~ resposibility, tanggungjawab bersama; ~ owners, pemilik bersama; ~ property, harta bersama; during their ~ lives, semasa mereka hidup bersama; ~ venture, usaha sama; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
manhunt | n usaha memburu: the army and the police joined in the ~ for the escaped prisoners, pihak tentera dan polis bersama-sama dlm usaha memburu banduan-banduan yg lepas lari. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | ~ in on, menyertai, ikut serta dlm: he has not decided whether he would ~ in on the venture, dia belum membuat keputusan sama ada dia akan ikut serta dlm usaha itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
find | he didn’t ~ my remarks at all amusing, dia berasa kata-kata saya sama sekali tdk menggelikan hati; do you ~ that more people are visiting the museum than before?, pd perasaan encik adakah lebih ramai orang yg melawat muzium sekarang drpd dahulu?; we all found the play a great disappointment, kami semua mendapati drama itu sangat mengecewakan; 5. work out, mencari, mendapatkan: little effort has been made to ~ a solution, hanya sedikit usaha sahaja yg dijalankan utk mencari penyelesaian; 6. (leg.) mendapati: the court found the accused guilty, mahkamah mendapati yg dituduh bersalah; 7. reach, sampai kpd; (target etc) mengenai: do you think this letter will ~ him?, kamu fikir surat ini akan sampai kepadanya?; the bullet found its mark, peluru itu mengenai sasarannya; the blow found his chin, tumbukan itu mengenai dagunya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
reconcile | vt 1. restore (persons) to friendly relations, (act.) mendamaikan, merukunkan; (pass.) berdamai, rukun: all efforts to ~ them were in vain, segala usaha utk mendamaikan mereka sia-sia; he and his wife have now been ~d after their quarrel, dia dan isterinya sekarang telah didamaikan selepas berkelahi; 2. settle, menyelesaikan: they must ~ their differences and stop squabbling, mereka mesti menyelesaikan perselisihan mereka dan berhenti bertengkar; 3. bring into harmony, harmonize, menyelaraskan: two opposing points of view that can never be ~d, dua sudut pandangan yg bertentangan yg tdk dapat diselaraskan; the two accounts of the incident cannot be ~d, kedua-dua cerita ttg kejadian itu tdk dapat diselaraskan; 4. (refl) resign os to, menerima: he was never able to ~ himself to living in the country, dia sama sekali tdk dapat menerima bahawa dia hidup di desa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spend | 2. pass or use (time etc) menghabiskan: he ~s all day studying, dia menghabiskan masa sepanjang hari utk belajar; I spent my whole life in the same town, saya menghabiskan masa hidup saya di bandar yg sama; a lot of time and effort have been spent on this project, banyak masa dan usaha yg dihabiskan utk projek ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |