give | ~ out, a. become exhausted, habis, kehabisan; (of patience) hilang: my money gave out before I even reached my destination, wang saya habis or saya kehabisan wang sebelum saya sempat sampai ke tempat yg dituju; the water supply gave out the day before he was rescued, bekalan airnya habis sehari sebelum dia diselamatkan; b. (colloq) break down, i. (of engine) mati; ii. (of car etc) terhenti; iii. (of mechanism) rosak: the motor in my washing machine has ~n out, motor dlm mesin basuh saya sudah rosak; iv. (of fuse) terbakar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
place | iii. (not in proper order) tdk teratur: their filing system was all over the ~, sistem fail mereka tdk teratur; iv. (of handwriting) tdk kemas: some children’s handwriting is all over the ~ and needs to be corrected, sesetengah tulisan kanak-kanak tdk kemas dan perlu diperbaik; /change, swap/ ~s, (with so.), (lit. & fig.) bertukar tempat (dgn sso): I wouldn’t change ~s with him for a million dollars, saya tdk akan bertukar tempat dengannya walaupun ditawari wang berjuta ringgit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |