being | /bring, call/ st into ~, mewujudkan; come into ~, mula wujud: when the world came into ~..., apabila dunia mula wujud...; human ~, manusia; in ~, wujud: such a group is already in ~, kumpulan spt itu telah wujud; the Supreme B~, Tuhan; (in Islam) Allah, Tuhan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exist | vi 1. be, have being, wujud, ada: they tried to prove that God ~s, mereka mencuba membuktikan bahawa Tuhan wujud; customs that have ~ed for centuries, adat resam yg telah wujud berkurun-kurun lamanya; does racial polarization ~ in our schools?, adakah polarisasi kaum wujud di sekolah-sekolah kita?; live, hidup: I don’t know how he ~s on that diet, saya tdk tahu bagaimana dia hidup memakan makanan spt itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
immemorial | adj telah wujud berzaman-zaman: an ~ custom, adat resam yg telah wujud berzaman-zaman; /from, since/ time ~, (rather old-fashioned) sejak dahulu lagi, berzaman-zaman: these structures have been here from time ~, binaan ini telah wujud berzaman-zaman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
succeed | 2. come after, follow, wujud selepas: the Paleozoic era was ~ed by the Mesozoic, zaman Paleozoik wujud selepas zaman Mesozoik; the Gothic ~ed the Romanesque in architecture, seni bina Gothic wujud selepas seni bina Romanesque; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
coexist | vi 1. exist together at the same time, place, wujud bersama: nations that have ~ed for centuries, negara-negara yg telah wujud bersama berkurun-kurun lamanya; 2. exist together in peace, wujud bersama dgn aman damai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
existence | n 1. state of existing or being, kewujudan, wujud(nya), ada(nya): I didn’t know of its ~ until I read about it in the magazine, saya tdk tahu ttg kewujudannya sehingga saya terbaca tentangnya dlm majalah itu; he believes in the ~ of fairies, dia percaya bahawa pari-pari wujud; come into ~, (mula) wujud: many institutions have come into ~ since Independence, banyak institusi telah wujud sejak Kemerdekaan; be in ~, wujud, ada: sophisticated technologies that are now in ~, teknologi canggih yg wujud sekarang; 2. life, way of life, hidup: a farmer in these parts could only eke out a meagre ~, petani yg tinggal di kawasan ini hanya dapat hidup kais pagi makan pagi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Adam | n Nabi Adam; ~’s /ale, wine/, air; ~’s apple, halkum; as old as ~, sudah wujud berkurun-kurun lamanya, sudah wujud /turun-temurun, sejak dahulu kala/: a superstition that is as old as ~, tahayul yg sudah wujud berkurun-kurun lamanya; not know so. from ~, tdk kenal sso sama sekali. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
predate | vtwujud sebelum: this piece of pottery ~s the Ming dynasty, tembikar ini wujud sebelum dinasti Ming. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
non-existent | adj tdk wujud: in those areas, air pollution is almost ~, di kawasan-kawasan itu, pencemaran udara hampir tdk wujud. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inhere | vi; ~ in, (fml) wujud dlm: beauty that ~s in art, keindahan yg wujud dlm seni. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |