asunder | adv into pieces or parts, berkecai: the plate broke ~, pinggan itu pecah berkecai; come ~, berkecai: the porcelain doll came ~ in my hands, anak patung porselin itu berkecai dlm tangan saya; tear ~, (act.) memecahkan; (pass) pecah: the boat was torn ~ in the storm,perahu itu pecah dipukul ribut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fragment | vt 1. (act.) menyebabkab [sst] berkecai; (pass.) berkecai, bersepai: the explosion ~ed the boulder, letupan itu menyebabkan batu besar berkecai; 2. (fig.) memecah-mecahkan: the Austro-Hungarian Empire was ~ed after the First World War, Empayar Austro-Hungary dipecah-pecahkan selepas Perang Dunia Pertama. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disintegrate | vi 1. hancur /bersepai, berkecai/, hancur, luluh: the rocket ~d before our very eyes, roket itu hancur berkecai di hadapan mata kami; 2. (fig.) berkecai: the party ~d after the death of its leader, parti itu berkecai selepas kematian pemimpinnya; their marriage ~d after only a few years, perkahwinan mereka berkecai selepas beberapa tahun sahaja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fragment | vi 1. berkecai, bersepai: the glass window ~ed under the impact, tingkap kaca itu berkecai akibat hentaman; 2. (fig.) berpecah-belah: there was a threat that the entire Soviet Union would ~ into separate republics, ada ancaman bahawa Soviet Union akan berpecah-belah menjadi republik-republik yg terpisah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | ~ apart, break into pieces, berkecai: the cup came apart in my hands, cawan itu berkecai dlm tangan saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blow1 | ~ hot and cold, hangat-hangat tahi ayam; ~ /me, me down/, I’ll be ~ed, (colloq), (expressing surprise) aduh; ~ to /blazes, glory, kingdom come/, (act.) menyebabkan hancur berkecai; (pass.) hancur berkecai; st ~ wide open, membongkar sst: an incident which blew the scandal wide open, peristiwa yg telah membongkar skandal itu; ~ the whistle on st, put an end to st, menghentikan sst; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fall | ~ apart, a. fall to pieces, jatuh /berderai, berkecai/; b. disintegrate, mengalami keretakan: their marriage was ~ing apart, perkahwinan mereka mengalami keretakan; c. separate, renggang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hew | vt 1. strike with cutting blows, menetak: he ~ed the bench to pieces, dia menetak bangku itu sehingga berkecai; 2. cut into shape, memotong: to ~ logs, memotong balak; 3. shape, make, a. (a path in the jungle) menebas; b. (by excavating) mengorek [sst] utk membuat: to ~ out an underground tunnel, mengorek tanah utk membuat terowong bawah tanah; c. (by carving, chiselling, etc from a larger mass) menarah [sst] utk membuat: to ~ a sampan from a single tree, menarah sebatang pokok utk membuat sampan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blow1 | 9. cause to explode, meletupkan: the mine blew the army convoy to bits, periuk api itu meletupkan konvoi tentera itu hingga berkecai; 10. (of whale) menyemburkan, memancutkan: whales ~ water through a hole in their heads, ikan paus menyemburkan air melalui lubang di kepalanya; 11. (sl) spend freely, squander, menjolikan, menghabiskan: he blew his pay at the casino, dia menghabiskan wang gajinya di kasino; 12. (sl) use an opportunity ineffectively, melepaskan: two chances to win and he blew them both, dua peluang utk menang dan dia melepaskan kedua-duanya; 13. (sl) leave in a hurry, cabut dr: to ~ town after running up huge debts, cabut dr bandar selepas berhutang dgn banyak; 14. (sl) inhale narcotic drug, menyedut, menghisap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fin | n (of fish, aircraft) sirip: shark’s ~ soup, sup sirip yu; the tail ~ of his aircraft was shot to pieces, sirip ekor kapal terbangnya berkecai kena tembak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |