chronic | adj 1. (of illness, disease, ill health) kronik, teruk: ~ cough, batuk yg kronik; 2. (ref to person or his bad habits or behaviour) kronik: a ~ invalid, pesakit yg kronik; a ~ alcoholic, peminum yg kronik; 3. (of situation, problem, etc) kronik, teruk: ~ unemployment problem, masalah pengangguran yg teruk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | g. come into power, dipilih; (of government) mula berkuasa: when the Liberal Party came in the drug problem had already become chronic, apabila parti Liberal dipilih masalah penyalahgunaan dadah sudahpun menjadi kronik; h. become fashionable, menjadi fesyen: baggy pants came in last year, seluar gedoboh menjadi fesyen tahun lalu; i. become seasonal, bermusim: durians came in quite early this year, durian bermusim agak cepat tahun ini; j. take part, memainkan peranan: this is where I ~ in: my job is to distract the guard, di sinilah saya memainkan peranan: tugas saya ialah mengalihkan perhatian pengawal itu; k. be received as income, mendapat, memperoleh: his money ~s in regularly, dia mendapat wang secara tetap; where do I ~ in, apa peranan saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |