hallowed | adj 1. (of God, His name) Maha Suci: ~ be Thy name, Maha Suci nama-Mu; 2. made holy, ditahbiskan, suci: ~ ground, tanah suci; ~ oil, minyak yg ditahbiskan; 3. revered, respected, [various translations]: these ~ halls of learning, dewan ilmu yg mulia ini; the ~ heroes of ancient times, wira-wira zaman silam yg disanjung; ~ memories, kenangan-kenangan murni. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
almighty | adj 1. usu A~, all-powerful, Maha /Berkuasa, Besar, Agung/: A~ God, Tuhan yg Maha Berkuasa; 2. (sl) very great, /amat, sangat, sungguh/ + approp adj: with an ~ bang, dgn dentuman yg amat kuat; in an ~ quandary, dlm kesulitan yg amat besar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
imperial | adj 1. of, rel to empire, empayar: ~ expansion, perluasan empayar; 2. of, rel to emperor, empress, maha-raja: The I~ Chinese Court, Istana Maharaja China; His I~ Majesty, Duli Yang Maha Mulia Baginda Maharaja; 3. majestic, regal, [various translations]: they lived in ~ splendour on an island in the Mediterranean, mereka hidup penuh kegemilangan di sebuah pulau di Laut Mediterranean; anything he does, he does on an ~ scale, apa saja dilakukannya, pasti dilakukan secara besar-besaran; 4. (of weights and measures) fixed by law in the UK, [not translated]: I~ gallon, gelen. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
apocalypse | n 1. revelation, ilham; 2. grand, violent event, malapetaka yg maha dahsyat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Highness | His (Royal) H~, title used of a. (of princes in general) Yang Amat Mulia; b. (of crown princes) Duli Yang Teramat Mulia: (of Pahang) Kebawah Duli Yang Teramat Mulia; (of Johore) Duli Yang Amat Mulia; (of Kelantan, Perlis) Yang Teramat Mulia; His Royal ~ the Prince of Wales, Duli Yang Teramat Mulia Putera Wales; His ~ the Raja Muda of Kedah, Duli Yang Teramat Mulia Raja Muda Kedah; c. (of royal rulers of states) Duli Yang Maha Mulia; (of Kedah, Pahang, Kelantan) Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia; (of Perak) Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri; (of Johore) Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Yang di-Pertuan; Your ~, Tuanku. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gracious | adj 1. pleasant, polite and generous, baik budi: it was ~ of the Duchess to come to our bazaar, Duchess itu sungguh baik budi krn sudi datang ke pesta amal kami; a ~ hostess, tuan rumah yg baik budi; 2. marked or characterized by courtesy, kindness, lembut mesra: we were pleased with their ~reception, kami berasa senang dgn sambutan mereka yg lembut mesra; a ~ smile, senyuman yg lembut mesra; 3. characterized by elegance, mewah: ~ living, kehidupan yg mewah; 4. (of God) merciful, Maha /Pengampun, Mengasihani/: God is ~, Tuhan Maha Pengampun; 5. (fml), (used in addressing or referring to royal persons), [not translated]: her ~ Majesty Queen Beatrix, Duli Yang Maha Mulia Ratu Beatrix; by the ~ consent of the Sultan of Oman, dgn perkenanan Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Oman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
infinite | adj 1. limitless, boundless, tdk /terhad, terbatas/: ~ space, ruang angkasa yg tdk terhad; in tropical rain forests, there is an ~ variety of plants, dlm hutan hujan tropika terdapat kepelbagaian jenis pokok yg tdk terbatas; 2. very great, sangat, amat: she took ~ trouble over the meal, dia amat bersusah payah menyediakan makanan itu; a man of ~ wealth, orang yg sangat kaya; her patience was ~, dia sangat sabar; 3. absolute, tdk /terbatas, terhad/; (in Islam) Maha: God’s ~ wisdom, kebijaksanaan Tuhan yg tdk terbatas or Tuhan yg Maha Bijaksana; the ~ mercy of God, Tuhan yg Maha Pengampun; 4. (math) tak terhingga: ~ series, siri tak terhingga; ~ gradient, cerun tak terhingga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
apocalyptic(al) | adj 1. of the nature of revelation, memberikan ramalan: an ~ vision, bayangan yg memberikan ramalan; 2. rel to a grand, violent event, mengakibatkan malapetaka yg maha dahsyat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
high | ~ and dry, a. out of the water, tersadai: the outgoing tide left the boat ~ and dry, air surut menyebabkan bot itu tersadai; b. abandoned, ignored, terlantar: his friends left him ~ and dry when all his fortune was spent, kawan-kawannya membiarkannya terlantar apabila semua hartanya telah habis; ~ and mighty, angkuh, sombong: a ~ and mighty attitude, sikap yg angkuh; ~ colour, muka sso merah; ~ noon, tengah hari /terik, buta/; at ~ speed, dgn amat laju; the Most H~, Tuhan (Yg Maha Tinggi); (in Islam) Allah (Yg Maha Tinggi); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
infinitude | n 1. state of being limitless, boundless, tdk /terhad, terbatas/; (rel to God) kuasa [Tuhan] yg tdk /terbatas, terhad/: the ~ of time, masa yg tdk terbatas; divine ~, kuasa Tuhan yg tdk terbatas; the ~ of God’s mercy, Tuhan yg Maha Pengampun; 2. infinite number, extent, quantity, tdk /terhingga, terkira/ + approp n: an ~ of details, perincian yg tdk terhingga banyaknya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |