de luxe | adj mewah: a ~ edition, edisi mewah; a ~ model, model mewah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lavish | 3. extravagant, mewah; (of expenditure etc) berlebih-lebihan: the meal was too ~ for my simple tastes, sajian itu begitu mewah bagi saya yg mempunyai selera yg sederhana; a ~ apartment, pangsapuri mewah; his ~ expenditure, perbelanjaannya yg berlebih-lebihan; a ~ spender, a. a big spender, orang yg berbelanja besar; b. one who spends in a wasteful manner, pemboros; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
affluence | n wealth, kemewahan, mewah: a man of considerable ~, seorang yg sangat mewah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
affluent | adj 1. wealthy, mewah: ~ society, masyarakat mewah; 2. abundant,profuse, melimpah-ruah, melimpah-limpah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Easy Street | n; be on ~, hidup /mewah, dlm kemewahan/: he’s been on ~ since he won the lottery, dia hidup mewah sejak menang loteri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lap 1 | in the ~ of luxury, dlm / serba mewah, kemewahan/: she was raised in the ~ of luxury, dia dibesarkan dlm serba mewah; in the ~ of the gods, di tangan Tuhan: whether he succeeds is in the ~ of the gods, sama ada dia berjaya atau tdk semuanya di tangan Tuhan; /dump, drop/ st in so’s ~, (colloq) longgokkan sst di bahu sso: if you think you’re going to dump this job in my ~, forget it, kalau kamu fikir kamu hendak longgokkan kerja ini di bahu saya, boleh jalanlah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extravagant | adj 1. spending money wastefully, boros; (of taste) mewah: she is ~ when buying clothes, dia boros apabila membeli baju; a man of ~ tastes, lelaki yg mempunyai cita rasa yg mewah; 2. using too much (of st), (secara) membazir: the Administration’s ~ use of public funds was severely criticized, penggunaan dana awam yg membazir oleh Pentadbiran itu diselar dgn hebat; 3. costly, mahal-mahal: the rich who indulge in ~ luxuries feature largely in his novels, orang-orang kaya yg suka akan barang mewah yg mahal-mahal merupakan ciri utama dlm novel-novelnya; he showered her with ~ gifts, dia menghujaninya dgn hadiah yg mahal-mahal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grand | a ~ wedding, majlis perkahwinan besar-besaran; a ~ procession, perarakan besar-besaran; in ~ style, dgn cara yg mewah: they lived in ~ style, mereka hidup dgn cara yg mewah; make a ~ /entrance, exit/, /masuk, keluar/ dgn hebatnya; 3. rich and sumptuous, indah-indah: ~ furnishings, perabot yg indah-indah; she needed ~ clothes to go to these parties, dia memerlukan pakaian yg indah-indah utk menghadiri majlis-majlis ini; 4. socially superior, distinguished, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
comfort | n 1. state of well-being, keselesaan: she lives in ~, dia hidup dlm keselesaan; 2. luxury, kemewahan, mewah: a life of ~, hidup mewah; 3. relief from sorrow, grief, etc, menyenangkan (hati): news that brought ~ to the family, berita yg menyenangkan hati keluarga itu; 4. (usu in pl) st that satisfies physical needs, kemudahan: the apartment has all the ~s of modern living, pangsapuri itu mempunyai semua kemudahan moden; 5. so. or st that consoles, penawar hati: during the days that followed her son’s death, her neighbours were a ~ to her, pd hari-hari selepas kematian anaknya, jiran-jirannya menjadi penawar hatinya; the telephone calls and letters from caring friends were a real ~, panggilan telefon serta surat dr kawan-kawan yg bersimpati menjadi penawar hatinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
high life | n kehidupan mewah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |