tights | n seluar sama sendat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
airlock | n block preventing flow of liquid, sendat udara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
seam | /bursting, bulging/ at the ~s, penuh padat, sudah sendat; (with people) penuh/ sesak, padat/: the little town hall was practically bursting at the ~s, dewan bandaran itu penuh sesak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jam1 | vt 1. cram, (act.) menyumbatkan, memadatkan; (pass.) padat, sendat, penuh: a drawer ~med with clothes, laci yg padat dgn pakaian; 2. wedge immovably, (act.) approp v [n] + /tersepit, terjepit/; (pass.) tersepit, terjepit: he ~med the table between the cupboard and the wall, dia meletakkan meja itu tersepit di antara almari dan dinding; the child got his fingers ~med in the door, jari anak itu tersepit di celah pintu; 3. fill by crowding, penuh sesak: crowds of people ~med the main streets, jalan-jalan besar penuh sesak dgn orang ramai; 4. cause to become locked, stuck, menyebabkan [n] + approp v: the sudden application of the brakes ~med the wheels, menekan brek dgn tiba-tiba menyebabkan roda tdk dapat bergerak; to ~ the typewriter keys, menyebabkan mata mesin taip tdk dapat ditekan; 5. (radio) mengganggu: to ~ the enemy’s station, mengganggu stesen pemancaran musuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bottle-neck | n 1. narrow part of bottle, leher botol; 2. narrow strip or restricted part of road, jalan sendat; 3. anything obstructing production or progress, kesendatan: we hope the dictionary will come out in spite of the ~s, kami berharap kamus itu akan terbit meskipun berlaku kesendatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bind | vi 1. form a cohesive mass, bersebati, menjadi sebati: heat causes clay to ~, haba menyebabkan tanah liat bersebati; 2. be tight and uncomfortable, sendat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fitted | adj 1. (of carpet) dr dinding ke dinding; 2. (of furniture) terbina dalam: a ~ cupboard, almari terbina dalam; 3. (of room) berperabot terbina dalam: a ~ kitchen, dapur yg berperabot terbina dalam; 4. (of sheet) sama sendat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |