arctic | adj 1. A~, of the northern polar region, Artik: the A~ Ocean, Lautan Artik; 2. (colloq) very cold, sejuk betul: the weather was ~, cuaca hari itu sejuk betul; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
High Arctic | n Artik Tinggi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Arctic Ocean | n Lautan Artik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arctic fox | n rubah artik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Arctic Circle | n Garisan Artik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arctic | n ; the A ~, north polar regions, Artik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
home | 4. place where st originates, tempat bermulanya: Scotland is the ~ of golf, Scotland ialah tempat bermulanya permainan golf; 5. institution for the old, orphans, etc, rumah: old folks’ ~, rumah orang-orang tua; an orphans’ ~, rumah anak-anak yatim; 6. natural environment, tempat tinggal semula jadi: the Arctic is the ~ of the polar bear, kawasan Artik ialah tempat tinggal semula jadi beruang kutub; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
analogue | n 1. st analogous to another, analog approp n + yg seakan-akan /sama, serupa/: he related the development of the word to earlier ~s, dia mengaitkan perkembangan perkataan itu dgn perkataan terdahulu yg seakan-akan sama; Arctic vegetation has no ~ in warmer climates, tdk ada tumbuhan di kawasan iklim panas yg seakan-akan sama dgn tumbuhan Artik; 2. (biol) analog; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
circle | n 1. perfectly round figure, bulatan: the centre of a ~, pusat bulatan; drawing ~s in the sand, melukis bulatan pd pasir; to cut out a large ~ of cloth, memotong sekeping bulatan besar dr kain; the children joined hands and formed a ~, kanak-kanak itu berpegang tangan dan membuat satu bulatan; 2. halo, ring, lingkaran: the ~ of light around the moon, lingkaran cahaya di keliling bulan; a ~ of trees, selingkaran pokok; 3. see CYCLE; 4. (theatr) tempat duduk utama; 5. ring of a circus, gelanggang; 6. (geog) bulatan: the Arctic C~, Bulatan Artik; 7. (of road) bulatan; 8. set, group, lingkungan: in political ~s, dlm lingkungan ahli politik; 9. sphere, lingkungan: sports is not within my ~ of interest, sukan bukan dlm lingkungan minat saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
affect2 | vt 1. pretend to feel, have, etc, berpura-pura: he ~ed not to hear, dia berpura-pura tdk mendengar; to ~ innocence, berpura-pura tdk tahu; to ~ illness, berpura-pura sakit; 2. imitate, meniru: he ~ed the American accent, dia meniru loghat orang Amerika; 3. like, prefer to use, suka menggunakan; (clothing) suka memakai: he ~s long complicated sentences, dia suka menggunakan ayat-ayat yg panjang dan rumit; a woman who ~s very unusual clothes, seorang wanita yg suka memakai pakaian yg luar biasa; 4. assume character etc of, berlagak /sbg, spt/: he likes to ~ the great philosopher, dia suka berlagak spt ahli falsafah agung; 5. live, grow in, /terdapat, hidup/ di: polar bears that ~ the coastal regions of the Arctic, beruang kutub yg terdapat di kawasan pinggir laut Artik; 6. tend to assume, mengambil bentuk: cells ~ing hexagonal form, sel-sel yg mengambil bentuk heksagon; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |