Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

advertisevt <b>l.b> publicise (product, service, etc) mengiklankan: the house has been ~d for sale, rumah itu telah diiklankan utk dijual; <b>2.b> display, memperlihatkan, memaparkan, mendedahkan, menampakkan: that remark only ~s your ignorance, kata-kata itu hanya memperlihatkan kejahilan kamu; <b>3.b> make generally known, menghebahkan: he did not ~ the fact of his divorce, dia tdk menghebahkan perceraiannya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
carry<b>i.b> (on the head) menjunjung: she carried a basket of fruit on her head, dia menjunjung sebakul buah-buahan; <b>j.b> (by the handle, strap, etc) membimbit; <b>k.b> (in the arms) mendukung; <b>l.b> (by hugging close to the chest) mencempung; <b>m.b> (with upstretched arms) menjulang; <b>n.b> (on the palm) menatang; <b>o.b> (astride the shoulders) menyompoh; <b>p.b> (astride the back) mengokko; <b>q.b> (against the hip) mengelek; <b>r.b> (in a pouch or cloth strapped to the body) mengendong;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
gosemakin kaya; <b>i.b> continue without change, berterusan: this state of affairs can’t ~ on forever, keadaan ini tdk boleh berterusan selama-lamanya; <b>j.b> continue (doing st) terus: he ~es on trying, dia terus mencuba; <b>k.b> continue living, terus hidup; <b>l.b> be turned on, dipasang: the lights ~ on at 6.30 p.m., lampu-lampu dipasang pd pukul 6.30 petang; <b>m.b> act according to, judge by, [various translations]: there’s not enough evidence to ~ on, tdk ada bukti yg cukup utk dijadikan asas bertindak; we cannot ~ on his account entirely, kita tdk boleh bertindak berdasarkan ceritanya sahaja; <b>be ~ne on so.b>, tergila-gilakan sso; <b>~ on /holiday, a picnic, etc/,b> pergi /bercuti, berkelah, dll/;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
go<b>~ on to; ~ onb> (<b>straightb>) to,b> terus: we’ll ~ on to Ipoh without stopping in K.L., kita akan terus ke Ipoh tanpa berhenti di K.L.;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
go<b>~ along with, a.b> proceed in company with, mengikut, pergi bersama: she usually ~es along with her husband on his overseas trips, biasanya dia mengikut suaminya apabila suaminya ke luar negeri; <b>b.b> agree with, bersetuju: l’ll ~ along with you on that point, saya bersetuju dgn awak dlm hal itu; <b>c.b> accept, menerima: I didn’t ~ along with their suggestion, saya tdk menerima cadangan mereka;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
homen <b>1.b> o’s dwelling, rumah, tempat tinggal: I work in K.L. but my ~ is in Shah Alam, saya bekerja di K.L. tetapi rumah saya di Shah Alam; a ~ of their own, rumah mereka sendiri; <b>2.b> place where one was born, tempat asal: Ipoh is my ~ but I have been living abroad for many years, Ipoh ialah tempat asal saya tetapi saya telah tinggal di luar negeri bertahun-tahun; <b>3.b> place where one lives, kampung halaman: he was born in Indonesia, but Malaysia is now his ~, dia dilahirkan di Indonesia, tetapi Malaysia menjadi kampung halamannya sekarang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
double<b>3.b> two, dua: the word is spelt with a ~ “p” and a ~ “l”, perkataan itu dieja dgn dua “p” dan dua “l”; a ~ row of trees, dua baris pokok; <b>4.b> (used in speech) twice, [repeat the number mentioned]: my office number is 2,4,8,1,0 ~ 1, nombor telefon pejabat saya ialah 2,4,8,1,0,1,1; <b>5.b> intended for two persons, kelamin: a ~ bed, katil kelamin; ~ room, bilik kelamin; <b>6.b> in two layers, berlapis: ~ saucepan, periuk berlapis; ~ yarn, yan berlapis;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
flanneln <b>1.b> ( fabric) flanel; <b>2.b> ( in pl) trousers made of flannel, seluar flanel; <b>3.b> facecloth, flanel muka.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fueln <b>1.b> material burned to provide heat etc, bahan /api, bakar/; <b>2.b> st that intensifies strong feelings, (sst yg) memarakkan: her tears only added ~ to his anger, tangisannya hanya memarakkan lagi kemarahannya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fuelvt <b>1.b> fill with fuel, mengisi [sst] dgn + approp n: to ~ a ship, mengisi kapal dgn minyak; <b>2.b> intensify, memarakkan: the scandal seemed to ~ resentment against Mr. Kaunda, skandal itu nampaknya memarakkan kemarahan thdp En. Kaunda.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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