jealous | adj 1. resentful towards another because of rivalry (esp in sexual love) cemburu: a ~ lover, kekasih yg cemburu; 2. envious, iri hati, cemburu: he has always been ~ of his little brother, dia sentiasa iri hati thdp adiknya; to be ~ of so’s good looks, cemburu akan kecantikan paras sso; she was ~ of her neighbours’ lovely house, dia iri hati krn rumah jirannya cantik; 3. watchful in guarding possession, right, etc, menjaga [n] (dgn baik): a man who is ~ of his position, lelaki yg menjaga kedudukannya dgn baik; to be ~ of o’s independence, menjaga kebebasan sso dgn baik; keep a ~ eye on so., menjaga sso dgn baik; 4. resulting from jealousy, cemburu: he got into a ~ rage, dia naik darah krn cemburu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
insanely | adv in a manner characteristic of person who is mad, spt orang gila: she was shrieking ~, dia menjerit-jerit spt orang gila; be ~ jealous, sangat cemburu; (habitually) cemburu buta: her flirtatious behaviour made her husband ~ jealous, perangainya yg merenyam itu membuat suaminya sangat cemburu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jealousy | n 1. resentment towards another because of rivalry (esp in sexual love), /rasa, perasaan/ cemburu: blinded by ~, dikuasai perasaan cemburu; 2. envy, /rasa, perasaan/ /iri hati, cemburu/; 3. watchful vigilance, (menjaga) dgn baik: to guard o’s right with ~, menjaga hak sso dgn baik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
green-eyed | adj cemburu, iri hati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
green | be ~ with envy, berasa sangat /iri hati, cemburu/: she will be ~ with envy when she hears of my success, dia akan berasa sangat iri hati apabila dia mendengar ttg kejayaan saya; /give, get /the ~ light, /memberikan, mendapat/ lampu hijau: we’ve been given the ~ light to build an extension to the house, kita telah diberi lampu hijau utk membina sambungan rumah itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
covert | adj (fml) concealed, terselindung: ~ jealousy, rasa cemburu yg terselidung; the ~ threat in his words, ancaman yg terselindung di sebalik kata-katanya; ~ glance, mencuri pandang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | c. (fig.) destroy st, menghancurkan sst: jealousy broke up their marriage, perasaan cemburu menghancurkan perkahwinan mereka; d. disperse st, menyuraikan sst, menyebabkan /sso, sst/ (terpaksa) bersurai: the police broke up the demonstration, polis menyuraikan tunjuk perasaan itu; a noisy quarrel broke up the party, suatu pergaduhan yg hebat menyebabkan majlis itu bersurai; e. stop (a fight) menghentikan, memperhentikan: the teacher broke up the fight, guru menghentikan pergaduhan itu; ~ it up!, berhenti!; f. cause to fail, mematahkan: heavy bombing broke up the attack, pengeboman yg hebat mematahkan serangan itu; g. (a set) memecahkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jaundiced | adj diracuni + approp n: a ~ view of life, pandangan hidup yg diracuni prasangka; a ~ mind, fikiran yg diracuni perasaan cemburu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
feeling | n 1. sense of touch, deria /sentuh, rasa/: he has lost all ~ in his left hand, dia telah kehilangan deria rasa pd tangan kirinya; 2. physical sensation, rasa: a ~ of warmth, rasa hangat; 3. emotion, perasaan: jealousy is a ~ I’ve never experienced, rasa cemburu ialah perasaan yg belum pernah saya alami; ~ of (joy, sorrow, etc) rasa (gembira, sedih, dll); 4. (in pl) sensitivity, susceptibility, perasaan: to hurt so’s ~s, melukai perasaan sso; to suppress o’s ~s, menahan perasaan; 5. sympathy, understanding, (rasa) simpati: he showed no ~ for the sufferings of others, dia tdk menunjukkan rasa simpati thdp penderitaan orang lain; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
eat | ~ up, consume food served, makan habis-habis: we don’t want to waste any food, so ~ up children!, kita tdk mahu membazirkan makanan, jadi, makan habis-habis!; ~ so. up, mengganggu fikiran sso: something’s definitely ~ing her up, sudah pasti ada sst yg mengganggu fikirannya; be ~en up with /jealousy, envy, curiosity, etc/, dilanda rasa /cemburu, iri hati, ingin tahu, dsb/; ~ st up, eat all of st, menghabiskan sst: ~ up your rice, habiskan nasimu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |