before | when I arrived on Monday, I was told that Yunus had left two weeks ~, apabila saya tiba pd hari Isnin, saya diberitahu bahawa Yunus sudah berangkat dua minggu sebelum itu; the day ~, hari sebelum (itu); 4. already, on some previous occasion, dahulu, sebelum ini: have you seen this photograph ~?, pernahkah tuan melihat gambar foto ini dahulu?; I’ve never been here ~, saya belum pernah ke sini sebelum ini; I’ve seen natural disasters ~, but none as terrible as this one, saya pernah menyaksikan bencana alam dahulu, tetapi belum pernah sedahsyat ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
it | b. (used when making statement about day, date) hari /ini, itu/: ~’s Monday, not Tuesday, hari ini hari Isnin bukan hari Selasa; c. (used when making statement about period of day) hari, [or not translated]: go to sleep; ~’s already midnight, pergi masuk tidur; hari sudah larut malam or sudah larut malam; pergilah masuk tidur; d. (used when making statement about period of time in particular day), /petang, malam, pagi as approp/ / ini, itu/: ~’s Saturday night and all the discotheques are full, malam ini malam Minggu dan semua disko penuh; e. (used when making statement about week, year, etc), /minggu, tahun, [as approp]/ /ini, itu/: ~’s 1989, tahun ini tahun 1989; ~’s the third week of July, minggu ini minggu ketiga dlm bulan Julai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
last 1 | 2. coming immediately before the present, lalu, lepas: ~ Saturday morning, pagi Sabtu yg lalu; on Monday ~, hari Isnin yg lepas; this day ~ year, hari ini pd tahun lalu; I’ve been very busy the ~ few weeks, saya begitu sibuk beberapa minggu yg lalu; ~ /evening, night/, /petang, malam/ tadi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | 7. occupy a particular position, place in space or time, [not translated]: Tuesday ~s after Monday, hari Selasa selepas hari Isnin; this paragraph ~s on page 10, perenggan ini pd muka surat 10; the letter “a” ~s before the letter “b” in the alphabet, dlm abjad, huruf “a” sebelum huruf “b”; her horse came second in the race, kudanya mendapat tempat kedua dlm perlumbaan itu; my wife ~s first and my children second, saya mengutamakan isteri saya drpd anak-anak saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
churlish | adj a. bad-tempered, merengus; (habitually) perengus, suka merengus: is he always ~ on Monday mornings?, adakah dia sentiasa merengus pd setiap pagi Isnin?; a bad-tempered, ~ bus conductor, konduktor bas yg suka marah-marah dan perengus; b. impolite, kurang sopan: it was rather ~ of him to reject the president’s invitation, kurang sopannya dia menolak undangan presiden. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
earliest | adj & adv paling /awal, segera/, /awal, mula-mula/ sekali: one of the ~ symptoms of cancer, salah satu tanda penyakit barah yang paling awal; at the ~, paling /awal, segera/: on Monday at the ~, paling segera, pd hari Isnin; at your ~ convenience, secepat mungkin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
day | 3. (often D~) date of specif event, festival, etc, hari: Labour D~, Hari Perayaan Pekerja; Independence D~, Hari Kemerdekaan; 4. day reserved for regular event, hari: assembly ~, hari perhimpunan; Monday is my ironing ~, hari Isnin ialah hari saya menyeterika pakaian; 5. period of day allotted to working, sehari: she works an 8 hour ~, dia bekerja lapan jam sehari; his working ~ is six hours, dia bekerja enam jam sehari; 6. period of time, masa, zaman; (ref to period of rule), /zaman, masa/ pemerintahan: in his young ~s, pd masa dia muda-muda dahulu; during the colonial ~s, semasa zaman penjajahan; in the ~s of Henry VIII, semasa zaman pemerintahan Henry VIII; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
happy | 3. (fml), (willing, glad), (berasa) gembira: we are ~ to be here, kami gembira berada di sini; we are ~ to be of service, kami gembira dapat menolong; (not reluctant) tdk keberatan: I’ll be ~ to see you next Monday, saya tdk keberatan berjumpa dgn anda pd hari Isnin depan; 4. pleased, satisfied, puas hati: if you’re not ~ with the present situation, why don’t you do st about it, kalau kamu tdk puas hati dgn keadaan sekarang, mengapa kamu tdk membuat sst tentangnya; 5. felicitous, kena pd tempatnya: that was not a very ~ remark, kata-kata itu tdk kena pd tempatnya; 6. (in greetings) selamat: H~ Birthday, Selamat Hari /Jadi, Lahir/; H~ New Year, Selamat Tahun Baru. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
eke | vt; ~ st out, a. supplement st, /menokok, menambah/ sst: she ~s out her meagre income by writing, dia menokok pendapatannya yg kecil dgn menulis; b. make a supply last, /menghematkan, menjimatkan/ sst: we’ll have to ~ out the milk till Monday, kita terpaksa menghematkan susu itu sehingga hari Isnin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hurdle | n1. frame for jumping over or for temporary fencing, pagar (lompat): the first runner is over the last ~, pelari pertama telah melepasi pagar lompat yg terakhir; 2. (in pl), (sport) acara lompat pagar: he hopes to win the ~s, dia berharap akan memenangi acara lompat pagar; 3. (fig.) obstacle, halangan, rintangan: the interview on Monday is the final ~ that he must take, temu duga pd hari Isnin ini merupakan rintangan yg terakhir yg harus dihadapinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |