invading | n approp n + yg menyerang (sst): the ~s were driven back with heavy losses, tentera yg menyerang itu diusir dan mengalami kekalahan yg teruk; they were forced to make peace with the ~s, mereka terpaksa berdamai dgn negara yg menyerang negara mereka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
kill | n act of killing, membunuh [n ]: the huntsmen closed in for the ~, pemburu-pemburu mara mengepung utk membunuh (buruan mereka); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
latest | n; the ~, (colloq) approp n + yg terbaru: have you heard the ~?, sudahkah kamu mendengar perkembangan yg terbaru?; at the ~, selewat-lewatnya, selambat-lambatnya: I shall come at 4 p.m. at the ~,<>/i saya akan datang selewat-lewatnya pd pukul 4 petang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
layman | n non-professional, amateur, (orang yg) tdk profesional dlm + approp n: although he is only a ~ he has keen appreciation of art, walaupun dia tdk profesional dlm seni lukis, dia dapat menghayati lukisan dgn baik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jumble | n 1. confused mixture of physical things, approp n + yg bercampur aduk; (of st) bercampur aduk: the ~ that one usually finds on his bed, segala benda yg bercampur aduk yg selalu terdapat di atas katilnya; a ~ of equipment and tools, alat-alat dan perkakas yg bercampur aduk; 2. confused mixture of abstract things, tdk keruan; (of thoughts, ideas) berkecamuk: a ~ of street sounds, bunyi dr jalan raya yg tdk keruan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
latitude | n 1. (geog) garisan lintang, latitud: ~ 22° N, garis lintang 22° U; 2. (in pl) areas north or south of the equator, kawasan: plants found only in tropical ~s, tanaman-tanaman yg hanya terdapat di kawasan tropika; /high, low/ ~s, garis lintang /tinggi, rendah/; 3. freedom of action, kebebasan: the students were not given much ~ in their choice of subjects, penuntut-penuntut itu tdk diberi kebebasan yg luas dlm memilih mata pelajaran mereka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
kaleidoscope | n 1. kaleidoskop; 2. (fig.) jalinan [n] yg silih berganti: at sunset the lake becomes a ~ of colours, pd waktu senja, permukaan tasik itu menjadi jalinan warna yg silih berganti. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
irrelevance, irrelevancy | n 1. state, quality of being unrelated, (keadaan) tdk /berkaitan, bersangkutan/ (dgn sst), tdk (ada) kena-mengena dgn sst, tdk ada /kaitan, sangkut paut/ dgn sst; (leg.) tak relevannya; 2. unrelated facts, remark, etc, approp n + yg tdk /berkaitan, bersangkutan/ (dgn sst), approp n + yg tdk (ada) kena-mengena dgn sst, approp n + yg tdk ada /kaitan, sangkut paut/ dgn sst: she ignored the ~ and continued her argument, dia tdk menghiraukan komen yg tdk berkaitan itu dan meneruskan hujahnya; try to cut all the irrelevancies out of your speech, cuba keluarkan segala perkara yg tdk bersangkutan dr ucapan saudara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intake | n 1. number, quantity taken in, /bilangan, jumlah/ [n] yg diambil; (of food), (me)makan; (of fluid), (me)minum; (of air) menyedut: the new ~ of students rose this year, bilangan penuntut yg diambil tahun ini meningkat; you must cut down on the ~ of carbohydrates, kamu mesti kurang memakan makanan berkanji; ~ of breath, /menarik, menghela/ nafas dgn tiba-tiba: I heard an ~ of breath and when I turned I saw Siew Eng staring at the door, saya terdengar orang menarik nafas dgn tiba-tiba dan apabila saya menoleh, saya ternampak Siew Eng sedang merenung tepat ke arah pintu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
last 1 | n; the ~, person, thing which is last, approp n + (yg) terakhir: he was the ~ to arrive, dia orang yg terakhir tiba; they got in the ~ of the crop before the rains, mereka memungut panen terakhir sebelum hujan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |