go | ~ out of; ~ out of business, menutup perniagaan; the /anger, fury, etc/ has ~ne out of o’s /voice, face/, /suara, muka/ sso tdk lagi menunjukkan kemarahan; the colour has ~ne out of o’s face, muka sso menjadi pucat; ~ out to; (so’s) /heart, sympathy/ ~es out to (so.), turut /bersedih, bersimpati/ dgn (sso); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
do | 2. cause to happen, buat, melakukan; (of non-living things) terjadi: what has he ~ne to you? apakah yg telah dilakukannya thdp kamu?; look what the storm had ~ne to the crops!, lihat apa yg terjadi pd tanam-tanaman akibat ribut itu!; 3. (used with “ing” form of verb) meN + base (+ approp n): he’ll ~ the cooking, dia yg akan memasak; who’ll ~ the washing up?, siapakah yg akan mencuci pinggan mangkuk?; 4. produce, make, [various translations]: to ~ a biography of the President, menulis biografi Presiden itu; to ~ a translation of the text, membuat terjemahan teks itu or menterjemahkan teks itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
do | ~ as, digunakan sbg, dibuat, dijadikan: this bundle of clothes will ~ as a pillow, bungkusan kain ini boleh digunakan sbg bantal; ~ it, achieve success, berjaya: she has ~ne it at last, akhirnya dia berjaya; easier said than ~ne, lebih senang bercakap drpd membuat; /it, that / /will never, won’t /~, ini tdk boleh dibiarkan; how ~ you ~?, apa khabar?; nothing ~ing, (sl) tak boleh; please ~, silakan; that ~es it, (colloq) ini tak boleh jadi; that’s ~ne it, habislah; that will ~, sudahlah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | g. (colloq) fall asleep, tidur: the baby has just ~ne off, bayi itu baru tidur; h. cease to function, terputus: the electricity went off while I was cooking, bekalan eletrik terputus ketika saya sedang memasak; i. cease, hilang: the pain didn’t ~ off until the next day, rasa sakit tdk hilang hingga hari berikutnya; j. (colloq) cease to enjoy, like, tak suka lagi: I’ve ~ne off eggs, saya sudah tak suka lagi makan telur; k. be carried out, berlangsung: the meeting went off well, mesyuarat itu berlangsung dgn baik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
do | ~ by; ~ well by, mengambil berat thdp: she’s a responsible girl and ~es well by her family, dia seorang gadis yg bertanggungjawab dan mengambil berat thdp keluarganya; badly ~ne by, mengabaikan, tdk mengambil berat: the workers felt that they were badly ~ne by the firm, para pekerja merasakan mereka telah diabaikan oleh syarikat itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
do | ~ st to, a. see vt (sense 2.); b. finish in a specific way, approp v + sehingga: the steak was ~ne to perfection, stik itu dimasak sehingga sempurna; c. (colloq) have an effect on, mengusik perasaan, mengesankan: sentimental music ~es st to me, muzik sentimental mengusik perasaan saya; we’ll engage an interior decorator to ~ up the living room, kami akan mendapatkan seorang juruhias dalam utk mengubah suai bilik duduk itu; be ~ne to death, (of joke, play, story, etc) menjadi basi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | ~ through, a. be approved, diluluskan: my application for a work permit has ~ne through, permohonan saya utk mendapatkan permit kerja telah diluluskan; b. be successfully completed, berhasil: the business deal went through, urusan perniagaan itu berhasil; ~ through st, a. penetrate st, menembusi sst: the road ~es through the mountain, jalan itu menembusi gunung; the nail went through his foot, paku itu menembusi kakinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | ~ before, a. live and die before o’s time, mendahului: the generations that have ~ne before us, generasi-generasi yg telah mendahului kita; c. appear before, dibawa ke hadapan; (court) dihadapkan: the boys had to ~ before the principal even for minor offences, budak-budak itu terpaksa dibawa ke hadapan guru besar walaupun krn kesalahan-kesalahan kecil; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | the first prize went to an unknown singer, hadiah pertama jatuh kpd penyanyi yg tdk dikenali; e. disappear, hilang: where has my bag ~ne to?, ke mana hilangnya beg saya?; f. see (so.) for favour etc, berjumpa: he advised me to ~ to another lawyer, dia menasihati saya supaya berjumpa peguam yg lain; g. get professional services of, (hairdresser, tailor, etc) pergi pd; (doctor, dentist, etc) pergi berjumpa; (so. one takes lessons from) belajar drpd: which dressmaker do you ~ to?, kamu pergi pd pembuat pakaian yg mana?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
do | ~ up, be fastened, berkancing; (with zip) berzip; ~ os up, adorn os, (act. & pass.) berhias diri: she is all ~ne up for the party, dia berhias diri utk ke parti itu; ~ st up, a. renovate st, mengubah suai sst; b. fasten hook-and-eye, button, mengancing; c. tie, mengikat; d. wrap, membungkus; ~ up the zip, menzip; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |