Aug. | abbrev Ogos. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
August | n (bulan) Ogos. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
circulation | put st into ~, mengedarkan sst: the decimal coins were put into ~ last August, syiling decimal itu diedarkan pd bulan Ogos lalu; withdraw st from ~, menarik sst drpd peredaran: the one thousand dollar note might be withdrawn from ~, wang kertas seribu ringgit mungkin ditarik drpd peredaran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
effect | b. also come into ~, come into operation, mulai berkuat kuasa: his appointment takes ~ on the first of August, pelantikannya mulai berkuat kuasa pd satu hari bulan Ogos; to good ~, a. usefully, (dgn) sebaik-baiknya: his skills can be used to good ~, kemahirannya dapat digunakan dgn sebaik-baiknya; b. with good result(s) dgn berkesan: in this artist’s work, vivid colours are used to good ~, dlm karya pelukis ini warna-warna yg terang digunakan dgn berkesan; to /this, that/ ~,lebih kurang /begitulah, demikianlah/ (maksudnya): he said he was fed up with the project or something to this ~, katanya dia sudah bosan dgn projek itu, atau lebih kurang begitulah maksudnya; with ~ from, bermula pd; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
into | 9. a. (indic period of time taken before an activity comes to an end) hingga: they danced ~ the small hours, mereka menari hingga larut malam; b. (indic period of time that elapsed), [various translations]: before we knew it we were already well ~ August, sedar-sedar saja sudah masuk bulan Ogos; four days ~ his stay, he started complaining about the food served at the hostel, setelah empat hari tinggal di situ, dia mula merungut ttg makanan di asrama itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
insufferable | adj extremely annoying, (sungguh) menjengkelkan; (of weather condition), /panas, sejuk, dll/ tdk terhingga: his ~ behaviour, perangainya yg sungguh menjengkelkan; that brother of yours is thoroughly ~, abang kamu itu sungguh menjengkelkan; ~ impudence, kebiadaban sungguh menjengkelkan; the heat of the Arabian Desert becomes ~ in July and August, haba Gurun Arab menjadi panas tdk terhingga dlm bulan Julai dan Ogos. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |