hope | raise so’s ~s, memberi sso harapan: the news raised his ~s that the children might be found, berita itu memberinya harapan bahawa anak-anaknya mungkin dapat ditemui; set o’s ~s on, a. (so., st), /meletakkan, menaruh/ harapan pd: we have set our ~s on the police being able to recover the documents, kami meletakkan harapan pd pihak polis utk mendapatkan semula dokumen-dokumen itu; b. (doing st), /meletakkan, menaruh /harapan utk: he had set all his ~s on becoming the next president, dia telah meletakkan segala harapan utk menjadi presiden berikutnya, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gut | hate so’s ~s, (colloq) benci betul dgn sso; /sweat, slog, work, etc/ o’s ~s out, (colloq) kerja macam nak mati; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heart | in o’s ~ (of ~s), dlm hati kecil: he knew in his ~ of ~s that she would never betray him, dlm hati kecilnya dia tahu bahawa wanita itu tdk akan mengkhianatinya; /learn, know/ st by ~, menghafal sst; lose ~, putus asa; lose o’s ~, jatuh /hati, cinta/; /near, close, dear/ to o’s ~, menjadi tumpuan sso: the library project is close to his ~, projek perpustakaan itu menjadi tumpuannya; o’s ~ stands still, /kering, tersirap, berderau/ darah sso: my ~ stood still when I saw the children’s boat capsized, kering darah saya apabila melihat bot kanak-kanak itu terbalik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
laurel | look to o’s ~s, lebih /berhati-hati, berjaga-jaga/ agar kedudukan sso tdk tergugat: with all the new talent around him, he will have to look to his ~s, dgn munculnya bakat-bakat baru, dia harus lebih berhati-hati agar kedudukannya tdk tergugat; rest on o’s ~s, berpuas hati dgn kejayaan sso: he has been resting on his ~s and hasn’t achieved much this year, dia berpuas hati dgn kejayaannya dan tdk banyak yg dicapainya tahun ini; /win, gain/ o’s ~s, /memperoleh, mencapai/ kejayaan: he has won many ~s in his profession, dia telah memperoleh kejayaan yg banyak dlm profesionnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heel 1 | kick up o’s ~s, (fig.) enjoy os thoroughly, berseronok-seronok: with their exams over it was time to kick up their ~s, setelah peperiksaan tamat, tibalah masanya utk mereka berseronok-seronok; set so. (back) on his ~s, memeranjatkan sso; show a clean pair of ~s, take to o’s ~s, cabut lari; turn /upon, on/ o’s ~, berpusing: I turned on my ~ and left the room, saya berpusing dan meninggalkan bilik itu; under the ~ of, dlm cengkaman, ditindas oleh: the country was under the ~ of a dictator, negeri itu dlm cengkaman seorang diktator; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
harm | out of ~’s way, jauh drpd bahaya; there’s no ~ in ..., it does /no, little/~, tdk ada salahnya...; /where’s, what’s/ the ~ in, what ~ is there..., apa salahnya...; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
knee | be on bended ~s, /be, drop, fall, go down/ on o’s ~s, bertelut, melutut, berlutut; /bend, bow/ the ~ to, behave humbly towards, melutut, tunduk kpd; bring so. to his ~s, (fig.) memaksa sso /melutut, tunduk/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
guess | n tekaan: his answer was just a ~, jawapannya hanya satu tekaan; /anyone’s, anybody’s/ ~, /tdk ada, tiada/ siapa yg tahu: what he is going to do next is anybody’s ~, apa yg akan dilakukannya selepas ini tiada siapa yg tahu; ~ what, cuba teka; at a ~, pd tekaan saya: I would say at a ~ that he’s over fifty, pd tekaan saya dia sudah berusia lebih drpd lima puluh tahun; give so. /two, three, etc/ ~es, memberi sso peluang meneka /dua kali, tiga kali, dll/; so. has another ~ coming, tekalah lagi: if you think I’m going to spend any more time on this matter, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
idea | put ~s into so’s head, memberi sso idea, memberikan idea pd sso; that’s an ~, (colloq) itu satu cadangan yg baik; that’s the ~, itulah yg sebaiknya; the very ~!, what an ~! (colloq), (in exclamation) merepek!, arut!; what’s the (big) ~ ?, (colloq) nak buat apa ni?; you’ve no ~, tdk dapat dibayangkan: she was so angry, you’ve no ~, tdk dapat dibayangkan betapa marahnya dia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gun | big ~s, (sl) orang atas-atas; give it the ~, (colloq) pecut; going great ~s, sedang maju; jump the ~, (colloq) bertindak sebelum masanya; stick to o’s ~s, (fig.) berpegang teguh pd pendirian: you’ve got to stick to your ~s whatever the outcome, kamu mesti berpegang teguh pd pendirian kamu walau apa pun yg terjadi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |