piccalilli | <i>ni> acar pedas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
of | <i>prepi> 1. [<i>generally “of” is not translated in Malayi>]: <i>a jar ~ pickles,i> sebotol acar; <i>a slice ~ cake,i> sepotong kek; <i>a collection ~ rare stamps,i> koleksi setem-setem nadir; <i>a mound ~ earth,i> setimbun tanah; <i>the cover ~ the book,i> kulit buku itu; <i>the name ~ the owner,i> nama tuan punya; <i>despite all the hard work, nothing came ~ the scheme,i> walaupun mereka bekerja keras, rancangan itu tdk berhasil; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
with | 4. (<i>indic that st is accompanied or includedi>) dengan: <i>rice ~ curry and pickles,i> nasi dengan kari dan acar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
relish | <i>ni> 1. <i>enjoyment, pleasurei>, nikmat: <i>he ate the steak with ~i>, dia makan stik itu dgn penuh nikmat; 2. <i>zesti>, keghairahan, ghairah: <i>he repeated the story with great ~i>, dia mengulangi cerita itu dgn penuh ghairah; 3. <i>st that adds flavour, appetizeri>, pembuka selera: <i>pickles, chutney and other ~esi>, jeruk, acar dan pembuka selera yg lain-lain; 4. (<i>usu with negativei>) <i>likingi> (<i>fori>) suka, gemar: <i>I have no ~ for the taski>, saya tdk suka tugas itu; 5. <i>attractive qualityi>, daya tarikan: <i>without the companionship of friends, life would lose its ~i>, tanpa kawan, hidup akan kehilangan daya tarikannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |