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Kata Terbitan : ruangan,


Sirih ada pinang pun ada,
     Saja saya tak bubuh di tepak;
Kasih ada sayang pun ada,
     Sajalah saya tak beri nampak.

Lihat selanjutnya...(330)

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

elbow-roomn ruang: there’s hardly any ~ in my office, hampir tdk ada ruang lagi dlm pejabat saya; no ~, sempit; plenty of ~, lapang, luas.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
inherentadj [not translated ]; (rel to quality) ada /pd, dlm/: he has an ~ love of music, dia suka akan muzik; due to his ~ laziness..., krn sifat malas yg ada dlm dirinya...; ~ in, /terdapat, wujud/ dlm; (rel to position, office) ada pd: he refused to recognize the danger ~ in such a situation, dia tdk mahu melihat bahaya yg wujud dlm keadaan sedemikian; this concept of space is ~ in the design, konsep ruang spt iniKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
halln 1. entrance, vestibule of house, ruang depan; 2. building for public gatherings, events, etc, dewan: the school ~, dewan sekolah; lecture ~, dewan kuliah; the only seats available for the concert were at the back of the ~, tempat duduk yg masih ada utk konsert itu hanyalah di bahagian belakang dewan; community ~, dewan orang ramai; village ~, balai raya; 3. main office of a local government authority, dewan: the town ~, dewan perbandaran; City H~, Dewan Bandaraya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
itself2. (used to emphasize subj or obj of clause) sendiri; (when used after a prep), [not translated]: in the days when the country ~ was a power to be reckoned with, pd zaman semasa negara itu sendiri merupakan kuasa yg tdk dapat tdk terpaksa diberi perhatian; the room ~ was so small that there was little space left for a cupboard, bilik itu sendiri begitu kecil sehingga ruang yg ada agak sempit utk memasukkan almari; the trail of footprints led us right up to the shed ~, kesan jejak kaki membawa kami terus ke bangsal itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
inneradj 1. inside, interior, sebelah dalam; (of ear) dalam: an ~ courtyard, laman sebelah dalam; the door leading to the ~ office was locked, pintu masuk ke pejabat sebelah dalam berkunci; the cupboard has an ~ compartment, almari itu mempunyai ruang sebelah dalam; an infection in the ~ ear, jangkitan pd telinga dalam; 2. central part of, bahagian tengah: an office in ~ Sydney, pejabat di bahagian tengah Sydney; 3. (of meaning) obscure, tersirat, terselindung, tersembunyi: was there an ~ meaning to that remark?, apakah ada maksud yg tersirat dlm kata-kata itu?;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
floorn 1. lower surface of room, bridge, vehicle, etc, lantai: the ~s are of marble, lantainya dibuat drpd marmar; the ~ of my jeep is rusty, lantai jip saya berkarat; 2. bottom surface of, (cave, forest) lantai; (river, lake, valley, etc) dasar: the ocean ~, dasar lautan; 3. storey of a building, tingkat, lantai: the building has three ~s, bangunan itu tiga tingkat; on the first ~, (UK) di tingkat pertama; (US) di tingkat bawah; 4. dance floor, tempat menari: there is nobody left on the ~, tdk ada lagi orang di tempat menari; 5. (of stock exchange) ruang niaga;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
addvt 1. combine to form a sum, a. (one number to another) mencampurkan: to ~ six and eleven, mencampurkan enam dgn sebelas; b. also ~ st up, (two or more numbers) mencampurkan, menjumlahkan: he ~ed up the figures in the column, dia mencampurkan angka-angka dlm ruang itu; 2. also ~ (st) in, put or pour in, memasukkan, membubuh; (with intention to adulterate) mencampurkan: she ~ed flour to the mixture, dia memasukkan tepung ke dlm adunan; 3. increase amount of, menambahkan, membubuh lagi: to ~ more sugar to the coffee, menambahkan gula ke dlm kopi; 4. join so as to increase, memasukkan, menggabungkan: to ~ the cost of the freight to the total cost, memasukkan kos pengangkutan ke dlm jumlah kos; to ~ the interest to the capital, memasukkan faedah ke dlm jumlah pinjaman pokok; to ~ the new evidence to that already available, memasukkan bukti yg baru diperoleh kpd yg sedia ada;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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