carved | adj 1. fashioned by cutting, chiselling, etc, diukir: ~ wooden figures, patung-patung kayu yg diukir; 2. adorned with cut design etc, berukir, dihiasi ukiran: a ~ screen, adang-adang yg berukir. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
guard-rail | n rel adang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hoarding | n 1. temporary fence, dinding adang; 2. billboard, papan iklan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dent | n (tempat) lekuk; (in metallic surface) (tempat yg) kemik: ~s in the wooden floor, tempat-tempat lekuk pd lantai papan; there is a ~ in his hat, ada lekuk pd topinya; to repair the ~ in the mudguard, membaiki tempat yg kemik pd adang lumpur; make a ~, (fig.) meninggalkan kesan: the drought made no appreciable ~ in overall production, kemarau itu tdk meninggalkan kesan yg besar pd keseluruhan pengeluaran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
guard | n 1. a. person who watches over or protects so., st, pengawal: he was stopped by the ~ on the gate, dia ditahan oleh pengawal yg sedang berjaga di pintu pagar itu; the robbers shot the ~ and grabbed the bags of money, perompak-perompak itu menembak pengawal dan merampas beg-beg yg berisi duit; security ~, pengawal keselamatan; b. (esp US) warder, wadar; c. (UK) officer in charge of a railway train, pengawal; 2. the ~, group of soldiers who guard so. or st, barisan pengawal: the changing of the ~, pertukaran barisan pengawal; 3. the G~s, (UK and some other countries) troops employed to protect the sovereign, Pengawal: the Grenadier G~s, Pengawal Grenadier; 4. a. part of machine etc designed to prevent injury, adang; b. st that protects part of body from injury, pelapik, gad: shin ~, pelapik tulang kering; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |