flood | vi 1. be covered with water, banjir, bah: the cellar ~s every time it rains heavily, bilik bawah tanah banjir setiap kali hujan lebat; 2. rise and spill over, banjir, bah: the river ~s every year, sungai itu banjir setiap tahun; 3. pour, membanjiri: the townspeople ~ed into the square, penduduk bandar itu membanjiri medan tersebut; complaints ~ed into the editor’s office, aduan-aduan membanjiri pejabat editor; 4. spill, melimpah: when she drew the curtains, bright sunlight ~ed into the room, apabila dia membuka langsir, cahaya matahari yg terang melimpah masuk ke dlm bilik itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
justifiable | adj dapat diberikan /justifikasi, alasan yg kuat/; (leg.) berjustifikasi: it was a ~ complaint, aduan itu dapat diberikan justifikasi; ~ homicide, homisid yg berjustifikasi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
complaint | n 1. expression of displeasure etc, rungutan, sungutan, merungut, bersungut: she is always full of ~s, dia suka merungut; have cause for ~, mempunyai sebab utk /merungut, bersungut/; make a ~ about, /merungut, bersungut/ ttg; 2. formal statement of grievance, aduan: the department received several ~s about the dumping of radioactive waste in the area, jabatan itu menerima beberapa aduan ttg pembuangan sisa radioaktif di tempat itu; to lodge a ~ against so., membuat aduan ttg sso; 3. ailment, penyakit; (if nature of ailment is specified) sakit: what was his ~?, apa penyakitnya?; a heart ~, sakit jantung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exclusion | n 1. preventing so. from a. (entering a place), (perbuatan) melarang [sso] + masuk; b. (from enjoying st or joining an activity), (perbuatan) tdk + approp v: among their complaints was the ~ of locals from the club, antara aduan mereka ialah orang-orang tempatan tdk dibenarkan menjadi ahli kelab; his ~ from the discussions infuriated his supporters, tdk mengikutsertakannya dlm perbincangan-perbincangan itu menyebabkan penyokong-penyokongnya marah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
head | on so’s (own) ~, sso tanggung sendiri: if you go ahead with this plan it is on your ~, jika kamu meneruskan rancangan ini, kamu tanggung sendiri; out of o’s ~, a. be forgotten, sudah dilupakan; b. crazy, gila; over so’s ~, tanpa melalui sso; (to a higher position etc) dgn melangkahi sso: he went over his supervisor’s ~ to complain to the manager, dia membuat aduan kpd pengurusnya tanpa melalui penyelianya; she was promoted over the ~s of several senior officers, dia dinaikkan pangkat dgn melangkahi beberapa orang pegawai kanan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | ~ ahead, a. proceed first, pergi dahulu: the group leader went ahead to survey the area, ketua kumpulan itu pergi dahulu utk meninjau kawasan itu; b. proceed without interruption, teruskan: if you want to take the risk, ~ ahead, jika kamu mahu menghadapi risikonya, teruskan; c. take action on o’s own, pergi: you can ~ ahead and report me to the police, kamu boleh pergi dan membuat aduan ttg saya kpd polis; d. progress, maju; (of work) berjalan: if a person wants to ~ ahead he must be prepared to work hard, jika hendak maju seseorang mestilah bersedia utk bekerja kuat; work on the bridge is ~ing ahead, kerja-kerja membina jambatan sedang berjalan; e. continue with journey, meneruskan perjalanan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
carry | s. (in the mouth) menggonggong: the cat carried its kittens in one by one, kucing itu menggonggong anaknya masuk ke dlm, seekor demi seekor; t. (with the fingers) menjinjit, menjinjing; 2. lift, mengangkat: the hoist carries building materials to the upper floors, takal itu mengangkat bahan-bahan binaan ke tingkat-tingkat atas; 3. convey, forward, menyampaikan: to ~ messages, menyampaikan pesan; to ~ complaints to the boss, menyampaikan aduan kpd ketua; 4. conduct, channel, mengalirkan, menyalurkan: a pipe carries the water from the dam to the residential area, sebatang paip mengalirkan air dr empangan ke kawasan perumahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |